
** Two of the requirements in these areas may be met by courses in the majo r.

Ministry Leadership

Program Description The Ministry Leadership major within the Adult Degree Program is an undergraduate program for individuals who are currently involved in ministry or prepa ring for mid-career transitions to local church management and support roles with mission and parachurch organi­ zations. Objectives 1. To nurture biblical/ theological understanding, Christ ian cha racter, and ministry skills. 2. To provide appropriate education and training for individuals committed to servi ce in urban, suburban, rural, and interna­ tional settings.

*** The general education requi rement for foreign language may be met by two years of the same high school lan­ guage or four units of a college language.

E. Completion of the biblical studies foundation course se­ quence:

Old Testament Survey ............____....................... 4 New Testament History & Literature.......................... 3 Early Christian History - Acts____............. 1 Bible Elective.................................................................... 4-6 Must be upper division electives (300- or 400-level cou rse)


BBST 110


F. Completion of a minimum of 30 units at Biola University with least 15 units (upper division level) in the major field. Exten­ sion credit or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requi rement of 30 semester units. Curriculum Th is major consists of 43 semester units, 24 of which must be upper division: 28 units from ORLM 220, 320, 350, 360, 362,365,420,440, 450, 480; 12 units from ORLD 210,3 10, 330,4 10, 490; and 3 units of BBST 103.

1. To provide a convenient and achievable degree path to semi­ nary education.

Degree Program A Bachelor of Science degree in Ministry Leadership is awarded upon completion of university baccalaureate requirements. These include the following:

A. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 approved semester units.

ORLM courses used to fulfill GE requirements are not applied toward the upper division unit requirement in the major.


e. Completion of the 43-unit Ministry Leadership major.


c. Achievement of a cumulative "C" average (2.00 GPA) or above on all coursework taken within the major at Biola University.

Personal & Interpersonal Dynamics .... .. ................. ... ... .... 3 Emphasis 1s upon development of leadership skills and the function of the Christian community in growth toward spiritual maturity. Theological & Phi losophical Foundations of Effective Ministry ............ ......................... 3 A survey of the pastoral Epistles, emphasizing the nature of ministry, purpose of the local church, qualifications and char­ acteristics of leadership, relational evangelism, and nurture of new believers. Effective Communication in Chri stian Ministry .. .... .. .. 3 Aministry-related course in effective communication in general and biblical teaching in particular. The transition from interpretation to exposition is investigated and skills are devel­ oped for appropriate transmission of content with authority. Media enhancement of teaching is demonstrated.

oRLM 220

o. Completion of the Biola University general education require- ments:

GENERAL EDUCATION (GE) REQUIREMENTS Behavioral Science** .... Communication ..

ORLM 320

············· 3

English Composition* .... ........ 6 Fine Arts ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Foreign Language***.... . .................. 4 History ....................................................................................................................................... 6 World Civilizations (3) United States (3) Literature ... Philosophy** ..... ····················· · 3 Science/ Math .. Mathematics** (3) Science (3) Math / Science (2)


* English 11 OB may be met by ORLD 490.

School of Professional Srudies


2005-2007 CATALOG

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