
Small Group Discipleship & Counseling ................ ... ... ... 3 A small group communication course applying dyadic and cohort dynamics to discipleship and counseling. Field assign­ ments encourage personal growth in the nurturing of faith development. Human Development for Youth Ministry ....... ............... 3 A survey of human development research and curricu lum theory related to intellecwal, emotional, physical, and spiritual development in childhood and adolescence. The course emphasizes program design and coordination as well as ac­ commodation of special needs young people. Lifespan Spiritual Development & Adult Leadership Training ........ ........................ ............... 3 A survey of moral and faith development research and curric­ ulum theory related to adult learning. The course emphasizes program design and coordination. Ministry to men, women, families, single parents, and the divorced is introduced. Cross-Cu ltural & International Ministry Dynamics ... .................. ...... .. ..... 3 A ministry strategy course based upon the theology of redemption and the responsibility of mission. Principles and methods of cross-cultural communication and intercultural re­ lationship are emphasized. Specific characteristics of ministry in the African-American, Hispanic, and Asian communities are investigated. Principles & Practices of Ministry Management .......... 3 A review of biblical and theological guidelines as well as contemporary organizational leadership theory applicable to management of enterprise functions in churches and ministries. Creative Exposition in Contemporary Worship ............ 3 An advanced Bible exposition courses that includes appropri­ ate integration of art, music, drama and presentation media. The course balances theory and practice, blending biblica l ministry with contemporary communication. Contemporary Issues in Ministry Leadersh ip .. , An advanced course that encourages development of the ability ro create new ministry forms and programs in accord with biblical values and theological principles while consider­ ing emerging or alternative cu ltural preferences. Emphasis is placed upon critical thinking, ethical evaluatron, and creative problem solving. Research Project ............ .. .. ........ .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. ............ .. ....... 3 The student is assisted 1n selecting a topic, the use of a computerized data base, research techniques and writing. Emphasis is on the integration of biblical and other sources

in resea rch, which is rela ted to a spec ific issue, problem or opportunity. The w ritten document will detail the conclusions and recommendations for solving the issue in study.

ORLM 360

ORLM 362

oRLM 365

ORLM 420

oRLM 440

oRLM 450



School ofProfessional Studies



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