A. Completing the Required Program of Study:
cialized principles for various biblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of various approaches to studying the Bible. Required of MA students. (Same as TTBE 517.)
Core Courses in Biblical Studies (11 units): CSAP521
Survey of Genes is-Malach i............................................ 3 Survey of Matthew-Revelation .................................... 3 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods ................. 3 Scripture: Authority, Canon and Crit ici sm............... 2
Scripture: Authority, Canon & Criticism .. ..... ............... 1-2 A course addressing the essent ial issues in defendi ng the Scriptures against perennial attacks. Topics include historical reliability, inerrancy, canonization and d ivine inspi ration of Scripture including an examination and critique of modern biblical criticism. Required of MA students. Essential Christian Doctrine I .......................................... 1-2 Essential Christian Doctrine II ......................................... 1-2 A presentation and biblical defense of the essential Christ ian doctrines with special reference to contempora ry criticism of the value and truth of doctrinal assertions. Requi red of MA students. Historical Theology .............. ........ .. .. ...... .. .. ........... ... .......... .. ... 3 History of the Church from the apostolic Fathers to the mod ern era with an emphasis on the development of doctrine. Highlights key thinkers in the patristic, medieval, Reformation and modern eras. Required of MA students. (Same as TTTH 514). Patristic & Med ieval Theo logy ............................................ 3 History of the church from the Apostolic Fathers to the eve of the Reformation with an emphasis on the development of doctrine. Discussion of key thinkers, such as Origen, Tertullian, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas and Scotus. Advisor's approval required .. (Same as TTTH 505) Reformation & Modern Theology .. .................................. 3 History of the church from the Reformation to the pres- ent with an emphasis on the key Continental and Eng lish Reformers, including Zwingli, Luther and Calvin. Discussion of the counter-Reformation, Protestant scholasticism, the Enlightenment, and important theological developments in the modern era. Opportunity is given for students to study the polity and history of their own denomination. Advisor's approval required. (Same as TTTH 506). Defending the Faith 1.......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............... .. ................ 2 Defend ing the Fa ith 11 ............................................................ 2 Defending the Faith 111 ........................................................... 2 A series of coordinated lectures by experts in va ri ous areas of apologetics addressing some of the most serious intellectual challenges to the Gospel and the Christian world view.601, 602 and 603 do not need to be taken in sequence. Defend ing the Faith: Continuing Study ...... ...... .......... 1-6 A special course designed for students with apologetics back ground through credit and/or noncredit courses in the basic content of 601,602,603, or approved courses, who need to
CSAP 522
csAP 529
CSAP 529
Modular M.A. students may substitute an elective course for CSAP 527.
Core Courses in Theology (8 units): csAP 510
csAP 541
Apologetics Research and Writ ing ............................. 1 Essential Christian Doctr ine 1........................................ 2 Essential Chr istian Doctrine 11....................................... 2 Historical Theology ........................................................... 3
csAP 542
CSAP 541
CSAP 542
Electives Apologetics Electives ...... .. ............................................................................. 14 units Apologetics, Professional Studies or University Electives ... . .... 3 units s. Maintaining a 2.5 average with no grade below a C in all courses to be credited toward graduation. Students cannot graduate while on probation. c. Completing a minimum of 24 units in the degree program at Biola University. All degree components must be completed as graded courses.
csAP 550
o. Completing the entire program in no more than five years.
CSAP 552
Apo logetics Research & Writ in g ........................................ 1 Research skills for the use of library, internet, and key apolo getics reference works. Methods of scholarly and journalistic writing with emphasis on critical thinking, persuasion and evaluation of data and testimony. Required of M.A. students. Survey of Genesis - Malachi .. .. ... ... ... .. ......... .... ....... .. ........... 3 A broad survey of the Old Testament books, including selected introductory and critical issues, relevant background, major themes and divisions and crucial problems. Required of MA students. (Same as TTBE 519.) Survey of Matthew - Revelation ..... .. .. .................. .. .. .. ....... 3 A general overview of the New Testament books, including selected introductory and critical issues, relevant background, major themes and divisions and crucial problems. Required of MA students. (Same as TTBE 520.) Hermeneutics & Bible Study Methods ............................ 3 A study of sound interpretation and application of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and spe-
csAP 521
csAP 601
csAP 522
csAP s21
School of Professional Studies
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