in the context of demonstrating that historic Christianity can provide reasonable solutions.
make up units upon being admitted to the degree prog ram. Advisor's approval required. Fee: $105, modular courses only.
Ethics .... ..... ........ .. .. .. .... ... ...... ..... .............. ........ .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. 1-2 A philosophical and rheological evaluation of various ethical systems and the application of those systems to high profile moral issues in society. Bioethics .... .................................. . ....... ... ...... .. .... .. .. ... ............ 1-2 A survey of and Christian apologetic response to some of the most critical ethical issues of the day coming from biomedi cal research and practice. The course addresses the difficult questions involved in areas such as human reproduction, cloning, abortion, end-of-life issues, organ transplant, genetic engineering, euthanasia and more. Scientific Apo logetics .. .. .. ... ....................................... .... .... 1-2 A survey of the issues and ideas involved in the relationship between science, philosophy and the biblical world view. Special emphasis is given to scientific issues and controve rsies that are used by skeptics to call Ch ristianity into question. A Hi story of Christian Apologetics ... .. .... .... ....................... 2 A survey of apologists and apologet ic activity from the time of the apostles and the early Church fathers to the great apolo gists of our own century. Modern Apologetics : Theory & Method ............ .......... .. 2 A study and evaluation of the various modern approaches to the apologetic task (e.g., evidentialism, presuppositional ism and combinationalism) and religious epistemology, with constant reference to the theological underpinnings and the nature and value of Christian apologetics inside and outside the church. Sp i ritual Formation & the Life of the Mind ........ ... ..... .... 2 A course designed to enhance the personal spiritual develop ment of the apologist Special emphasis is given to the impor tance of defending the fa ith with humility and reverence, as well as defining the role of apologetics in the overall mission of the Church. Contemporary Theo logy: Survey & Cr itique ............... .. 2 A survey of contemporary theological trends with special emphasis on apologetic critique of the unorthodox elements in positions such as process, liberation/ politica l, feminist / goddess, gay/ lesbian, environmental, racial/ ethnic and postmodern theologies. Cultural Apologetics .. ..... ... ... .. ... ....... .... ... ........... ... ... .. ... .. . 1-2 A study of the ways in which the truths of the Gospel and the Christian world view are reflected in elite and popular cultural products such as art, literature, film, music and television.
Elemen tary Principl es o f Biblical La ng uages .... .. .... .... .. 3 Basic principles of language that are foundational to interpret ing the biblical text. Overview of the structure of the biblical languages, evaluation of theories of Bible translation, and instruction in the use of various tools based on the original languages. The course will aid the student in understand- ing issues that arise in interpretation because of the origina l languages. (Same as BE 530.) Beginning Greek 1. .. .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .. ................................... .. 2 Beginning Greek 11 ..•...•...•...•..••..••.. ••..••...•.. •.... .... .. .. ........ ..•...•. 2 An introductory study of the basic elements of New Testa ment Greek. Translation of port ions of the New Testament in the second semester. Designed for students who have not completed a ful l sequence of beginn ing Greek courses. (Same as TTNT 501, 502.) Biblical Archaeology ...... .. .. .. .... ........... ................................... 2 An introduction to the science of archaeology in biblical lands. Special emphasis is given to the role specific archaeological exploration has played in providing objective confirmation of the accuracy of the biblical narrative. Logic & Cr iti ca l Thinking .. ......... ... ... ..... ...... ................. .. .. . 1-2 A study of the methods and principles used to make distinc tions between good and bad reasoning with special emphasis on analysis of arguments for and against the Christian faith. Issues in Epi stemo logy .................................. .... ... ... ... .. ..... 1-2 A study of the nature of reality and its ultimate categories which are fundamental to apologetics and other subjects. Specia l attention is given to worl dviews such as natural- ism and postmodernism which challenge the Christian worldview's commi tments about the nature of reality. Worldv iew Analysis ...................... .... .... .. ... ... ..... .... .. ...... ..... 1-2 A survey that includes a philosophical and rheological analysis of the major types of non-Christian world views such as pan theism, atheism, polytheism, finite godism and deism. Issues in Metaphysics ... ...... ... .. ... .... ....... ... ..... ..... ... .... ... .... . 1-2 A study of core epistemological concepts such as belief, justification, t ruth, and knowledge which are fundamental to apologetics and other subjects. Attention will g iven to ad dressing views that chal lenge our ability to know the truth of Chri stianity such as skepticism, naturalism, postmodernism. Ph il osophy of Relig ion .. ......... ....... .. .......... ... ....... .. ..... .. .. ... 1-2 A survey of philosophical issues that arise in relation to theistic rel igions. Problems such as the existence of God, the problem of evil, relig ious language, fa ith and reason, etc. are discussed
csAP 626
csAP 627
csAP 632
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csAP 623
cSAP 624
School of Professional Studies
2005-2007 CATALOG
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