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Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership
Graduation Requirements The Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership is a 36-unit program, that includes the following:
Facult :
Director:... ......... .. ....... .. ........... ................ .. ......... Daniel E. Maltby, Ph.D. Professors: ..... .. .... ... ................... ... . Canning, Decker, R. Johnson, Rae
A. Completing the Required Program of Study
Program Description The miss ion of the Master of Arts in Organizat ional Leadership is to equip Christian men and women lead and transform 21st centu ry o rganizations. Principles and practices emphasized in this program enhance personal knowledge, cha racter, and ski l ls for business, non profit and ministry leadership.
Core Courses in Or anizational Leaders~p (16 _u_n_it_s~) ____ csoL 510 Practical Leadership Theory .......................................... 2 csoL 530 Character & Leadership ................................................... 2 csoL 550 Leadership Chall enge ...................................................... 2 csoL 610 Leadership & Group Behavior ...................................... 2 csoL 620 Commun icat ion for Leaders ......................................... 2 csoL 630 Leadership & Organ izational Development ........... 2 csoL65o A The Inner Leader ................................................................ 1 csoL65oB The Inner Leader ................................................................ 1 CSOL660 Ethical Decision Making .................................................. 2
Students prepa re to deal w ith t he growing complexity and chal lenges that leaders face da ily as they guide people toward shared goals.
The prog ram is designed for professional men and women with undergradua te deg rees and leadersh ip experience who are search ing for a professional degree program with strong biblical integration and sol id marketplace value. The degree is inte rdisciplinary in nature and emphasizes research and practice derived from the fields of management, psychology, sociology, and ed uca t ion. Students are encouraged to grow in three fundamental areas:
Research Project (4 units_) _ CSOL696
Research Design ................................................................. 2 Research Presentation ..................................................... 2
Electives (1 O units) Select 10 units of elective courses, a minimum of 4 units in CSOL courses.
Bible & Theolog Electives (6 units) Select 6 units from Bible Exposition, Theology, Apologetics.
Conceptual understanding of leadership.
Business Foundation courses (5- 6 units) In order to ensure program readiness, students who have not at tained sufficient understanding of management and finance through undergraduate coursework or equivalent experience may be required to take one or both of the following Business Foundations courses or approved alternatives (up to six units may be credited toward the degree) as elective units:
Awareness of personal character and leadership potential.
Growth in effective leadership ski l ls.
Up to 12 units of graduate level courses may be considered for t ransfer.
Admission Requirements
MBAD 506 MBAD 516 CSOL 501
Marketing from the Management Perspective..... 3 Account ing and Finance for Decision Makers Principles of Accounting and Finance .................. 2-3
A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a grade point average (GPA) equivalent to a "B''. or higher in all undergraduate study. A portfo li o incl uding a professional resume, and a statement of vocational goals and objectives. A personal interview and documentation of oral and written communication profi ci ency may be req uested
s. Maintaining a 2.5 GPA with no grade below a "C" in all courses to be credited toward graduation. Students cannot graduate while on probation. c. Completing a minimum of 24 units in the degree program at Biola University. All degree components must be completed as credit courses.
One pastoral , one colleague, and one employer reference.
Scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) may be requested at the point of admission.
School of Profess,onal Srudies
2005-2007 CATALOG
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