Historical Perspectives in Science & Re l igion ................ 2 A survey of the history of science and its interaction with Christianity from New Testament times through the twentieth century. Emphasis is on key historical movements that con tinue to shape the modern dialog. Required of M.A. students. Chri stianity & the Natural Sciences : Contemporary Issues 1. ..... ... .... .... .... ... .. .... ... .... .. ... ... .. .... .. .. ... 2 A survey of the issues and ideas involved 1n relating modern science and the biblical worldview. Special emphasis is given to scientific issues and controversies that are used by skeptics to call Christianity into question. Prerequisite: CSSR 529. Required of M.A. students. Metaphysics & Epistemology .. ...... .............. .. ... .. ... .... ..... .. .. 3 A topical study of the nature and methodology of metaphys ics with emphasis on the nature and ultimate categories of being as well as specific areas (e.g., causation, space and time, the soul, freedom and determinism, personal identity, and essentialism). Epistemology topics surveyed will include the definition of knowledge and justified belief, problems in skepticism, the nature of epistemic justification and the nature of truth. Special emphasis will be placed on integrating meta physics and epistemology with the construction and defense of a Christian worldv1ew. Required of M.A. students.
biochemistry. Prerequisites: CSSR 529, 530 and 631, or permis sion of instructor Required of M.A. students.
cssR s29
Spec ia l Proj ect s in Sc ience & Re li gion .... ......... ........ ... . 1-3 Directed research or project related to Science and Relig ion issues.
cssR 660
cssR s40
Chri st ian Thought 1 • •••.•• •• •• ••.• •• ••• ••••.•..••••.••..••••••••.•••••••.•.• .•••••• 2
cssR 541
Christian Thought 11 ... ..... ........ .......... ........... ... .. ..... ....... .... ... 2 A survey of the essential Christian doctrines with special reference to contemporary criticism of the value and truth of doctrinal assertions. Required of M.A. students. Christianity & the Natural Sciences : Contemporary Issues 11. ... ..... .... ...... .... ... ..... ........ ... ............... 2 A survey of the issues and ideas involved in relating modern science and the biblical worldview. Special emphasis 1s given to soentific issues and controversies that are used by skeptics to call Christianity into question. Prerequisite: CSSR 530. Required of M.A. students. Wor ld Religions & Sc ience ..... .. .. ... ... ................................ 2 A survey of the core beliefs of other world religions with an emphasis on the ways in which they use modern science to justify their worldv1ews. Required of M.A. students. Advanced Seminar: Spec ial Topi cs .. .................................. 2 In-depth focus on a specific contemporary issue in the sci ence and religion dialogue, whereby students will understand the contemporary dynamics and learn to integrate their think ing in a mentored se ting. Content varies, and seminars may be repeated for credit with different topics. Topics include: Intelligent Design, Cosmological models, Quantum reality, Sociobiology, Human origins, the anthropic principle, issues in
cssR s42
cssR 631
cssR 650
School of Professional Srudies
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