allowed during the time a student is taking ESL cou rsework, depending on the level of placement.
Latin Spanish
INDEPENDENT STUDY/ ARRANGED COURSE Independent Studies are an integral part of the Biola University experience. An Independent Study is a course which is initiated by the student, who then works independently toward the goals and objectives outlined by the professor on the Arranged Course form. Students who are in good standing and not on probation are eligible to enroll in an Independent Study. A maximum of six (6) units may be taken by a student in indepen dent study and/or arranged coursework during the student's degree program. THESIS A student must register in a thesis class each semester until the the sis is completed and accepted for binding by the library. A student finishing course work in December has 1 1/2 years to complete the thesis. A student finishing course work in June has one year to complete the thesis. If geographic location prevents registration in person, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Office of the Registrar for reg istration materials. Registration by mail is subject to the same rules as regist ration in person. TRANSFER OF CREDIT Transfer credit for acceptable work done in other graduate schools will be allowed for courses which are parallel to those required in the curriculum. Applications received by May 1 will be provided with transfer credit decisions at the point of acceptance. Transfer credit fo r late appl ications will be accomplished during the fall semester. Graduate courses with grades of "C" or above at accredited institu tions or those validated with g rades of "B" or above from approved unaccredited schools are considered as acceptable on a transfer basis. For information on the validation procedure for unaccredited work, con tact the Office of the Registrar. MULTIPLE DEGREE The programs in Talbot School ofTheology are accredited by the Association ofTheological Schools (ATS). ATS requires that a mini mum of 50% of coursework in Talbot's degree programs be taken in residency (i.e., not transferred in nor shared with any other program). (ATS Standards, 1998) ADVANCED STANDING Accepted/ admitted applicants who have taken undergraduate courses in biblical or theological studies may request review for Advanced Standing credit based on their collegiate work. Granting advanced standing credit requires faculty approval based on parallel course content.
First Year .......................... .... . . .. .................................................. .. . .. .. .. ........ 1-28 units Second Year ........... .. .......................................................................... .. ....... ...... 29 + units
First Year .. . ....................................... 1-28 units Second Year ................................................................................................... 29-57 units Third Year .......................... ................... .......................... .. ............. .. ............... .. 58-86 units Fourth Year .. . ....... ............... ........... .. ..... .. .... ...... . 87+ units PRE-SEMINARY STUDY The following pre-seminary study guidelines are recommended fo r students who are planning to attend Talbot. The student should plan his or her collegiate curriculum so that moderate competence will be possessed in all of these areas and skills developed so that one can communicate easily, having the ability to write and speak clear ly with correct English prose.
The number of units indicated is the suggested minimum number of semester units for each discipline.
General Understandings Understanding of humanity 3 units Philosophy 3 units Psychology
Understanding ofmodern social institutions and problems 6units Socia l Science
Understanding ofcultural history 6units History 3 units Fine Arts
Understanding ofscience and technology 8 units Math / Science
Understanding of the modes ofcommunication 9 units Engli sh Composition & Literature 3 units Speech
Theolo ical Understandin s 6units
Bible Content & Interpretation
Theologi cal Methodology & Interpretation
6 units
Lin uistic Skills A minimum of 12 units in one of the following: French German Greek Hebrew
Ta/bar School ofTheology
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