Graduation Information GRADUATION WITH HONORS
Proof of competency in the subject area or evidence of how the course content has been used since taking the course is required. An evaluation will be made by the faculty and credits processed through the Office of the Registrar. To be considered the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the coursework being evalu ated. The maximum number of units that may be received is: Master of Divinity .. ......... ........ 16units Master of Arts in Christian Education ................................................... 12units Christian Ministry & Leadership... ................ ..... 12 units Spiritual Formation & Soul Care ................................................................ 9 units REDUCTION Eligible students coming from accredited Bible colleges or Christian liberal arts colleges may request exemption from certain required courses. Normally, reduction requires two undergraduate courses, in the same discipline, to reduce one graduate course (6 units undergraduate work to reduce 3 units of graduate work) for a limited amount of graduate credit. To qualify for reduction, the student must have earned a "B" grade in eligible coursework. Once the student has been accepted into the degree program, an evaluation will be made by the Office of the Registrar following guidelines established by the faculty. The maximum number of units that may be reduced is 30 units for these M.A. emphases: Bible Exposition, Old Testament, New Testa ment, Theology, Philosophy of Relig ion & Ethics, Spiritual Formation and Biblical & Theological Studies/ Diversified.
Those graduating with a grade point average of 3.50 or higher are elected to membership in Kappa Tau Epsilon, the Talbot scholastic honor society. This honor is noted on the permanent record card. For graduation honors, students completing their program with a 3.50 GPA are graduated with Honors. Students with a 3.70 GPA are graduated with High Honors. Students with a 3.90 GPA are graduated with Highest Honors. GPA standards for honors must be met with no rounding of numbers. ............. ............................ .Dr. Richard Rigsby The Talbot-Bible Lands Program is a for-credit study program in Israel with an additional excursion to biblically significant sites such as Rome, etc., held during the January lnterterm.The student has opportunity to see and experience the geographical (and to some extent, the cultural) context of the Old Testament and especially the gospels. The program is a block course offered during alternate years with preparatory work done during the semester prior to the lnterterm travel course. Preparatory work may be done with a scheduled class or independently. The price of the course includes four (4) units of credit, airfare, all meals (except two), housing, tips and miscellaneous expenses. . ... .Dr. Richard Rigsby The Talbot-Turkey/ Greece Program is offered in alternate years to the Talbot-Israel program (above). While Talbot-Israel studies the Old Testament and gospels, Talbot-Turkey/ Greece examines the archaeological, historical and geographical background to Acts, Epistles and Revelation. The program visits Antioch and Tarsus, as well as al l mainland sites visited by Paul on his First, Sec ond and Third Missionary Journeys. It also visits the seven cities of the churches of Revelation in addition to other sites. The program is a block course during lnterterm (January) with preparatory work done during the semester prior to the class itself. Pre-trip preparation may be accomplished with a scheduled class or it may be done independently. SPECIAL PROGRAMS - CREDIT Talbot-Israel Stud Pro ram Director: ... Talbot-Turke / Greece Stud Pro ram Director: ... Talbot-Biblical Mediterranean Islands Study Program Director: .............................................................................. Dr. Richard Rigsby The Talbot-Biblical Mediterranean Islands Program is offered dur ing the summer. It begins immediately after commencement and is completed prior to the second summer school session. During the program, the class studies and visits most of the islands men tioned in the Books of Acts, Revelation, and many of the Epistles. The class will visit Cyprus, Cos, Rhodes, Patmos, Crete, and Malta; if available, the islands of Delos, Mykonos, Santorini, etc. will be added.The program is a block course during summer school with preparatory work done during the spring semester prior to the class itself. The pre-trip preparation may be accomplished with a
COURSE PREFIXES Course prefixes indicate: TTBE
Bible Expos ition
Christian Education
Worl d Mi ss ions
Doctor of Education Doct or of Mini stry
TTHT Hi stor ica l Theo logy TTRG / TTRL Research Languages TTNT
New Testament Language & Literature
Old Testament & Semiti cs Phi losophy of Rel ig ion
Phi losophica l & Moral Theo logy Christ ian Mini stry & Leadership
Sp iritual Format ion
Spec ial Studies
Syst emati c Theo logy Independent Studi es
To/bar School of Theology
2005-2007 CATALOG
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