
(not applicable toward the graduate degree), if their underg raduate program did not include these courses.

Master of Arts in Christian Education

Graduation Requirements A. Satisfactorily complete 56 semester units. See (D) below.

Mission As a graduate degree of the Department of Christian Education, the mission of the MACE. program is to develop and equip experienced church and parachurch servant-leaders in mind, character, and abil­ ity to serve God and furt her His kingdom through biblically-based educational ministries, according to a particular area of special ization.

B. Take the courses prescribed in the Master of Arts in Christian Education cu rr iculum.

c. 300 hours of supervised field ministry approved by a faculty advisor.

Objectives The goals of this deg ree prepa ration are to enable the student to:

o. Complete the program in no more than five years.

E. Complete an acceptable literature review on a ministry issue related to a selected specialization.

1. Demonstrate understanding of biblical and theological content including sound principles of interpretation and ap­ plication.

F. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade below a "C-"in all courses to be counted toward graduation.

2 . Engage in the process of personal spiritual development and discipleship in the context of Christian community.

G. At least 24 units unique to the program must be taken at this seminary.

3. Demonstrate the ability to teach biblical truth based on sound theological, educational, and social science principles and research. 4. Demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and direct educationa l ministries based on pri nciples of leadership and administration and a sound philosophy of ministry.

A student must have at least a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Students are placed on academic probation if their GPA for any semester falls below 3.0, and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative GPA remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Program Requirements The academic program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Chris­ tian Education is structured to include (1) biblical and theological foundations; (2) a core curriculum consisting of foundational courses and practical skills; (3) a vocational specialization. THE STANDARD PROGRAM (56 UNITS) The program leading to the Master of Arts degree in Christian Education, with a ministry specialization in children's ministry, youth ministry, general Christian education, family and adult ministry, or cross-cultural education ministry, includes a minimum of 56 units of study. The student who is able to enroll in 14 units each semester can complete the degree in two years. The student who enrolls for less than 14 units may be able to access lnterterm and summer school courses and still complete the prog ram in two years, or may require additional time to complete the degree program. The program must be completed within five calendar years from the first enrollment. A literature review concerning a ministry issue is also required.

s. Demonstrate the ability to be a servant-leader with a particu­ lar vocational focus in a church or parachurch context.

MINISTRY PREPARATION In light of increasing demands for persons trained in Christian education, the program is designed to prepare individuals to serve competently in a growing number of functional roles. Along with core classes, a va riety of courses to meet students'individualized needs and goals are offered in five areas of emphasis: Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Adult and Family Ministry, General Christian Education Ministries and Cross-cultural Ministry. Admission Requirements All applicants must hold the Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Those accepted who do not meet this latter requirement will be placed on probation. Graduates from approved unaccred­ ited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provisional acceptance, though exceptions may be made when the GPA is higher than 30. Both probation and provisiona l acceptance may be changed to ful l acceptance if the student earns a GPA of 3.0 or better on the first eight units at Talbot. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges may be required to take certain additional liberal arts coursework

To/bar School of Theology


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