is "in the best interest of the student and a benefit to the student:' Student information is released to loan agencies and financial aid guarantors when such information is requested either by the loan agency, financial aid guarantor, or by the student at the request of the loan agency or financial aid guarantor. Some information cannot be released without a signed release from the student regardless of whether or not the student has requested confidentiality This is especially true with regard to grades, grade point averages, and academic standing. Certain information designated as "Directory Information" may be disclosed without the consent or knowledge of the student unless the student has notified Biola in advance that their records remain confidential. "Directory Information" at Biola is defined as:
4. The requester must sign the transcript request with the same name that the requester attended under. If the requester has changed names after withdrawing from the university, the re quester should sign the request using the attended-as name and the current name.
A transcript cannot be released if the student owes money to the University or if a payment is outstanding on any loans obtained through the University.
A request for a transcript must bear the signature of the individual whose permanent record is involved. If the name is typed or printed, the request will not be honored .
This policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment).
Photo Name Address Telephone Listing E-mail Address Date and Place of Birth Major Field of Study Enrollment Status Dates of Attendance Degrees awarded and dates received
Transcript request forms are available at the Office of the Registrar or online at:
Name Changes All name change requests by marriage, divorce or court order must be accompanied by a copy of the legal action which changes the individual's name, only if the name change occurs during enrollment. Extracurricular Activities All groups or individuals who represent the University must manifest satisfactory cooperation, spiritual life and scholastic attainment (the overall grade point average must be 2.00), and must be approved by the faculty.
Transcript Request One transcript of a student's record is furnished free.
, . For each additional transcript after that, a $6 charge will be as sessed for an official copy and a $3 fee will be charged for an unofficial copy. Transcript orders of nine or more are granted a reduced rate of $5 per official ($1 off each copy). The student or alumnus may request a transcript in person, FAX or by mail. Telephone or electronic mail requests will not be accepted. Every transcript request should include the name the student attended under, Biola student ID#, date of birth, social security number, last semester of attendance at Biola, any degrees earned at Biola, name and address where the transcript is to be sent, the appropriate fee paid in cash or check, made pay able to Biola University, and the signature of the student. 2 . For rush transcript service (normally 24-hour processing) there will be an additional fee of $10 per transcript added to the total. To fax a copy of a transcript, there will be an addit ional fee of $1 added to the total. 3 . If the requester has changed names after withdrawing from the university, the requester must provide proof of name change-either name change court document or marriage license in order to properly identify the requester.
The Bachelor of Arts degree.Offered with majors in communication studies, English, history, humanities, liberal studies, mass communi cation, music, philosophy, social science, sociology and Span ish
The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Offered with a major in studio art.
The Bachelor of Music degree. Offered with emphasis in compos i tion, music education and performance.
The Bachelor of Science degree. Offered with majors in biochemistry, biological science, computer science, human biology, mathematics, music, nursing, physical education and sports sciences and phys ical science.
The Master of Arts degree in Education.
SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES The Bachelor of Arts degree in anthropology and intercultural stud ies.
General Information
2005 - 2007 CATALOG
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