
the testimony ofBio/a within both Christian and secular communities. In this light, and given the clear biblical imperative for spiritual self-disci­ pline, the University has established these "standards ofconduct" to be observed and upheld, by all members of the Bio/a community Consistent with the example and command ofJesus Christ, we believe that life within a Christian community must be lived to the glory ofGod, with love for God and for our neighbors. Being indwelt by the Holy Spirit, we strive to walk by the Spirit, "crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires" (Galatians 5:24). To this end, members of the Bio/a community are not to engage in activities which Scripture forbids. Such activities include, but are not limited to, dishonesty, thievery, fornication, adultery, homosexual practice, drunkenness and unscriptural divorce. Scripture also condemns other ''deeds of the flesh" such as covetousness, jealousy, pride and lust- sins which the maturing Christian should put off, and replace with "fruit of the spirit": love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, good­ ness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (e.g., Luke 10:27; Galatians 2:20, 5:14-24; Ephesians 2:3; I Corinthians 6:9-10). As a Chnstian educational institution, Bio/a also recognizes the respon­ sibility of its Board of Trustees, faculty and staff to provide examples of maturing Christian character, conduct and attitude to its students and the community at large. Therefore, as maturing Christians, the entire Bio/a community will strive for the holiness ofGod ( l Peter 1.13-19), and love Him with all our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37). In addition, we are called to love our friends and neighbors as God has loved us (Matthew 22:39; l John 4:7-11). We will achieve this calling by walking by the power of the Holy Spirit and avoiding sins clearly forbidden in Scripture (Galatians 5:16-21; I Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 5: 1-14). Also, we will pursue the fruit of the Spirit from our Lord and with one another (Galatians 522-24). When the Bible is not clear regarding a specific behavior, we will be guided by our desire to glorify God in our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthiam 6: 19-20), and will discern ifany ofour brothers or sis­ ters in Christ would stumble in their faith (I Corinthians 8; Romans 14). If our Lord is not glorified or another Christian is harmed or offended by our behavior, then we will freely abstain from that activity, both on and off the campus ofBio/a. We know that many behaviors are lawful, but not all are profitable (I Corinthians 10.23-33). Therefore, we will constantly be teachable regarding those activities where the Bible is not clear and will evaluate them in light ofour pursuit of holiness and love for our Lord and each other Students ofBio/a are expected to refrain from the use ofalcoholic bever­ ages and tobacco in any form, and from gambling. Furthermore, discern­ ment must be exercised in avoiding all activities that may be spiritually or morally harmful. Individual decisions regarding movies, television programs, all forms ofelectronic media and other activities are expected to reflect this moral commitment. Bio/a University does not presume to be a censoring agency for all activities, it does, however, expect tangible evidence ofmaturing Christian convictions and discerning judgement.

In addition, members of the Bio/a community will observe Sunday as the Lord~ Day and give primary attention to worship, rest, Christian fellow­ ship and recreation, and service. These standards apply to the student while enrolled in any of the schools or programs of the University on and off campus. Biola therefore reserves the right to discipline or dismiss any student who, in its judgement, does not conform to these conduct standards or to other expressed principles, policies, programs and expectations of the university governing student conduct.


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