LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM (LAS} This program is designed to deepen students' cross-cultural under standing and experience firsthand the multiethnic and multicultural world. It gives studen ts the best possible scenario to integrate the study of both Latin American society and Spanish language. Students have the opportunity to live and learn in Latin America through the Latin American Studies Program, based in San Jose, Costa Rica. The program seeks to int roduce students to a wide range of Latin American experiences through the study of language, literature, cultu re, politics, history, economics, ecology, and religion of the region. Living with a Costa Rican family, students experience and become a part of the day-to-day lives of typical Lat in Americans. Students also participate in a service project and travel for three weeks to nearby Lat in American nations. In addition to the regular program of interdisciplinary offerings, four specialized academic tracks are availab le to qualified students: Advanced Languages and Literature Studies; La t in American Studies Concentration (offered both fall and spring semesters); International Business and Management (offered only in fall semester); and Tropi cal Sciences (offered only in spring semester) Students in all tracks earn 16 semester hours of credit Those participating in the natural science track branch off from the main LASP group for six weeks to earn six of their credits in natura l sciences. Each fall the LASP offers a specialized track for the students majoring in business. Entitled "In ternational Business: Management & Ma rketing;'this program differs from the core program by offering six credits structured specifically for business students. For additional information, contact Ms.Graciela Perez (graciela. perez@biola .edu) in the Modern Languages Department at least two semesters prior to anticipated participation. Recommended Credits Spanish language........................................................................................................ 6 Seminar I - Cen tral American History ... . ....... .. ..................................... 3 Seminar II - Faith & Practice in Latin America .......................................... 3 Service projects/ Cen tral American travel .. ....................... 4 Components
required seminars focusing on the role of film in cultu re and the re lationship of faith to work in this important indust ry. In addition, students choose two electives in film studies; and internships in vari ous segments of the film industry provide students with hands-on experience.The combination of the internship and seminars allows studen ts to explore the film industry within a Christia n context and from a libera l arts perspective. Participating students may earn 16 semester hours of credit that can be applied to a va riety of student programs through consultation with an academic advisor. For ad ditional information contact Cra ig Detweiler (craig.detweiler@b iola . edu) in the Department of Mass Communication.
Required Courses Internship ...
. .. .. ..... 6
Inside Symposium ..
····· 1 . ····-········- - Film in Culture ................................................................................................................ 3 Select 2 Course from:: Introduction to Filmmaking ............... ....................... ....................... ............. ..... ... 3 Screenwriting... ................... 3 Seminar in Producing the Independent Film ................ ...... .... ....... .... .... .. 3
MIDDLE EAST STUDIES PROGRAM (MES) The Middle East Studies Program based in Cairo, Egypt, allows students to explore and interact with the complex and strateg ic world of the modern Middle East The interdisciplina ry semina rs give students the opportunity to explore the diverse religious, social, cul tural and political traditions of Midd le Eastern people. In addition to seminars, students study the Arabic language and work as volunteers with various organizations in Cairo.Through travel to Jordan, Syria and Turkey, students are exposed to the diversity and dynamism of the region. MESP encourages and equips students to relate to the Muslim world in an informed, constructive and Christ-centered man ner at a time of tension and change. Participating students may earn 16 semester hours of credit For info rmation con tact Dr. Judith Rood (judith.rood@bio or the Department of History, Government & Social Science. Recommended Credits Arabic Language ........................................................................................................... 4 Seminars: Components Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East ............. ..... ...... ................. ....... ............ 4 Islam in the Modern World. .. . . .... ................ ..... .................. .. .............. ... ........ 4 Conflict & Change in the Middle East .............................................................. 4
Fall: Business Track Semina r II - International Business: Management & Marketing ... 4 Internsh ip Central American Travel .. ... ··-··· .. ·········-··· ··· --······ 1 Spring. Natural Science Track Seminar II - Tropical Science & Global Sustainability ... ...... ..... ... ......... 4 Field Research .... . Central American Travel .. . ········--···· --· ····· -·-·····--· ·· 1 LOS ANGELES FILM STUDIES CENTER (LAF) The Los Angeles Film Studies Center is designed to train students to serve in various aspects of the film industry with both professional skill and Christian integrity. Students live, learn and work in the Los Angeles area near major studios. The curriculum consists of two
RUSSIAN STUDIES PROGRAM (RSP) The exquisite domes of St. Basil's in Red Square. The staggering treasures of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.The ancient heritage of the cities of the Golden Ring. Were it only for its culture that students were to visit Russia, they would find themselves exposed to astonishing wealth indeed. In the Russian Studies Program, however, students have the opportunity not simply to glimpse monuments in passing, but to immerse themselves in the literature, language and
General Information
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