
lodgings in residential areas of Oxford. For more information con tact Andrea Frankwitz ( o r ext. 5567) in t he English Department. Also visit UGANDA STUDIES PROGRAM (USP) The Uganda Studies Program offers an invaluable opportunity for studies in and about Africa, for authentic cross-cultu ral exposu re, and for pa rticipation in the lively faith and worship of Global South Ch ri s­ t ian ity. Studying at Uganda Christian University is a unique experi­ ence in the British lecture and tutorial style of learning. Opportunities include academic classes taken alongside African students from the Honours College at Uganda Christian University. Students will take courses on the history and culture of East Africa, the religions and t ra­ ditions of Africa, and African literature, as well as an elective of their choosing. Students participate together in a faith and practice semi­ nar where they will process and apply thei r experience in Uganda . The program features language study (Luganda) and home stays in the local community, as well as field trips to historical and cultural sites in East Africa . Students wi ll join loca l campus groups in order to share and serve with fellow African students. These opportun i­ ties include working with Habitat for Humanity, volunteering with a local orphanage, and contributing to campus worship and missions. For more information contact Dr. Evanson Wamagatta (evanson. or ext. 5545) in the Depar tmentof History, Government & Social Science. Also visit

lives of the Russian people. In a semester spent in three of Russia's largest cities -Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhni Novgorod - stu­ dents will explore Russian culture, history, politics, economics and religion through language study and interdisciplinary seminars. Three seminars will focus on Russian History and Sociology of Religion, Rus­ sian Cultures and Literature, and Post-Communist Russia in Transition; a fourth seminar, International Relations and Business in Russia, may be taken by those with proficiency in Russian who opt to take four rather than six credit-hours of language coursework. The RSP st rives to give students a wide experience in this complex na t ion, begin­ ning with time spent in Moscow, the heart of both medieval and modern Russia. Students then spend 12 weeks in Nizhni Novgorod, an BOO-year-old city strategically located on the Volga River. After six weeks of language instruction, students live with a Russian family for the remainder of their stay in this city. Students also participate in a service opportunity in Nizhni Novgorod. The program concludes with a week spent in the magnificent city of St. Petersburg, the sea-fortress envisioned by Peter the Great that became the Russian "window to the West;'which allows students to earn up to 16 hours of credit toward their Biola degree. More importantly, it provides an opportunity to grow in their faith in a multinational, culturally diverse setting. For additional information contact Dr. Aaron Kleist (aaron . in the English Department.

Components _ _ ____

Recommended Credits

History & Soc iology of Re li gion in Ru ssia ................ 1 Russ ia in Trans it io n............................................................ 1 Ru ss ian Peop les, Cul t u re & Li teratu re ....................... 4 Beginning Russian Grammar & Conve rsat ion ....... 6


HIST 4 70


INCS 33 2

HUFR 101

This t hree-week program in Oxford is sponsored by the Counc il of Christian Colleges and Universities and Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. It defines itself as a "Christ-centered educational program that is committed to examining history, literature, theology, and other d isciplines through the eyes of faith'.'The study is done with Oxford academics and includes field t rips; and it may be taken for 3-6 units of credit. For fu ll prog ram description and online applications, visit www.bestsemes­ Contact Dr. Andrea Frankwitz (andrea.frankwitz@biola edu) in the English Department to discuss how academic credit is ea rned or transferred to Biola. SUMMER INSTITUTE OF JOURNALISM Biola may choose two student journalists to apply for this four- week, all expense-paid experience to Washington, D.C. A tota l of 15 students from Council schools are selected to participate in the Institute, which lasts from mid-May to mid-June. The Inst itute blends classroom experience with hands-on work and is an excellent oppor­ tunity to learn through lectures and panels with leading journalists who share a strong Ch ristian commitment. Pa rticipants also joi n in seminars taught by communications professors from Council-mem­ ber institutions, take part in field trips, and complete workshop proj­ ects for local newspapers. The course provides valuable ins ight and training in gathering and writing news, edi t ing copy and designing layout. The Institute seeks to develop students as Christian journal ists exhibiting both professionalism and legal/ ethical integrity. Par t ici-


THE SCHOLARS' SEMESTER IN OXFORD (SSO) The Scholars' Semester in Oxford, the "City of Dreaming Spires;' allows students to engage in intensive scholarship within this historic seat of learning. Studen ts work with academic tutors to hone their skills and delve into areas that interest them most, broadening their t hink­ ing by living and learning in this major crossroads of the academic world. As the Oxford tutorial style differs from t he North American system of education, many students find this a stimulating and chal­ lenging transition, requiring experience and matu rity. The program is designed to be academically rigorous. Students are generally members of an Honors Program, although high-achieving, academi­ cally gifted student s are also encouraged to apply (in thei r junior or senior year). Students select one primary tutorial, a secondary tutorial, and an integrative seminar In addition, they participate in a special lecture program and attend Oxford Faculty Lectures. Students enrolled in the 550 are granted Visiting Student status and as such are members of Oxford Un iversity through Wycl iffe Ha ll. This g ives them full access to the Bodleian Library and relevant faculty libraries, University lectures, as well as sports teams and social o rganizations. Wycliffe Hall in one of forty-five colleges and halls that comprise Oxford University. As a theological college, Wycliffe Hall seeks to build up fu ture Christian leaders from around the world. Students may be housed in Oxford City Centre, at St. Hugh's College, or in student


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