Med ieva l & Reformation Tho ug ht ..... ......... .. .. .... .... .. ... ..... .s Considers writings such as The Divine Comedy, Canterbury Tales, Don Quixote, Philokalia, Boethius' Consolation of Phi losophy, Anselm, Abelard, Aquinas' Summa Theologica, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Creeds of the Church. Credit given for HIST 207 or 208 and PHIL 214. Fall, sophomore year. LifeofCh rist .... ........ ... ............. ..... .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. ........... .. .. ........... 4 Delves into the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the Acts of the Apostles. Credit given for BBST 110 Fall, sophomore year. Early Modern Thoug h t .. ......... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... ...... ... .. ..... s Examines works such as selections from Shakespeare, John Donne, George Herbert, Pascal, Descartes, Locke's Essay Con- cern1ng Human Understanding and Second Treatise on Gov- ernment, Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Hobbes' Leviathan, Federalist Papers, and the U.S. Constitution. Credit given for HIST 107 and Behavioral Science requirement. Spring, sophomore year. Paul ine Epistl es .... .. ......................................................... .... ..... 4 Explores each of the Pauline Epistles. Cred it given for BBST 306 level. Spring, sophomore year. Rev ival ism & Romant ic ism ... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .... .. ..... ..... .. .... 4 Includes works such as 1 and 2 Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, selections from William Blake, Samuel Coleridge, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, and Kant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Credit given for BBST 251. Fall,junior yea r. N ineteenth Centu ry Tho ugh t ...... .......................... ............. 4 Includes works such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, Goethe's Faust, Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Bronte's Jane Eyre, Tocqueville's Democracy in America, and John Stuart Mill's On Liberty and Other Essays. Credit given for BBST 254. Spring, junior year. Am erica & Ru ss ia .. ....... .... ... ... .. ... ..... ...... .... ... .... .. .. ... ................ 4 Includes readings such as the Non-Pauline epistles, Newman's The Idea of a Universi ty, selections from Emerson, Melville, Christina Rossetti, Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov, Tolsoy's Anna Karenina, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and Way of the Pilgrim. Credit given for upper-division Bible elec tive. Fall, senior year. Twentiet h Century Th oug ht .. ...... .. .. .... ..... ... .. ...... ... .... ......... 4 Examines works such as Daniel, Revelation, C. S. Lewis'The Abolition of Man, Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morals, Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents, Dorothy Sayers'The Mind of the Maker, and selections from Flannery O'Connor and TS. Eliot. Mandatory if the student's major does not have an Integration requirement. Credit given for BBST 465. Spring, senior year.
TORREY EUROPE Torrey Europe is a three-week tour and course in Europe, usually offered in the summe r. It provides students with four credits in the Tor rey prog ram. St udents read books prior to the tour and are led by Torrey tutors in integ rating that reading, and their other Torrey read ings, with the cul tural and religious heritage of Europe. Students will gain hist o rical, archaeological, and cultural insights into the origin and development of Western civiliza tion and Christianity. The itiner ary may alter from year to year.
YMDT 214
Recommended Credits
Torrey Off-campu s............................................................. 4
YMDT 220
TORREY ABROAD Tor rey Abroad is a three-week summer course. Students work in a selected overseas locations, such as Mongolia or Africa, with the local Christian organizations. Students read books prior to the trip and are led by Torrey tutors in integrating that reading with their cross-cul- tural experiences.
Recommended Credits
Com onent
Torrey Off-campu s............................................................. 4
YMDT 224
Courses (YMDT) Cou rses are normally, but not always, taken in the semester se quence described below.
YMDT 310
Greek Thought ............................................... .. ........................ 4 Introduces the student to such works such as Iliad, Odyssey, Peloponnesian War, Plato's Phaedo, Meno, Symposium, Timaeu s, and Republic; along with works from Aeschylus and Sophocles. Credit given for ARTS 100 and COMM 100. Fall, freshman year. Old Test ament Begi nnings ... .... ......... .. ............ ....... ... ... .. ... .. 4 Introduces the student to Biblical literature and includes works such as Genesis through Joshua and Hebrews. Credit given for BBST 105. Fall, freshman year. Church Fathers & W isdom Literature .. .. ......... ... .. .. .... ... ... . s Explores works such as Job through Ecclesiastes, the Apostol ic Fathers, selections from Clement of Alexandria, Athanasius, Creeds of the Church, Augustine's On Christian Teaching, Con fessions, and City of God. Credit given for ENGL 110 A, ENGL 110 Band ENGL 230. Spring, freshman year. Greco-Rom an Tho ugh t .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .............. .. ....... .. .. .. ......... 4 Examines works such as Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Euripedes' Bacchae, Virgil's Aeneid, Tacitus' Annals of Imperial Rome, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and Marcus Aurelius' Medita tions. Credit given for BBST 109. Spring, freshman year.
YMDT 110
vMDT 32s
YMDT 410
YMDT 124
YMDT 12s
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