Courses (ANTH) ANTH 200
All srudents in the major are required to take Biblical Srudies 458 Theolo gy ofMission as a Bible elective Biblical Srudies 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture is required in the senior year. There are four concentrations offered within the anthropology major. Students take introductory courses in each of the subdisciplines and are encouraged to concentrate in one of the following four areas. Students may also consult with their academic advisor regarding unique concentrations based on career goals. LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY The linguistic anthropology concentration is designed for students interested in the relationship of language in culture. Courses include INCS 310, INAL 301,405,446,481, ANTH 310. SOCIO-CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY The socio-cultural anthropology concentration provides students with a broad understanding of human behavior through a cross-cul tural perspective. Courses include ANTH 300, 325,400,402,403,420, INCS 458. APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY This concentration seeks to provide students with the ability to apply anthropological research in the area of solving human problems. Courses include ANTH 400,403,420, INCS 345,347,430,433,435, SOCI 348. ARCHAEOLOGY This concentration provides students with training in archaeological methods and research. Students may take electives in Biblical, classi cal or prehistoric archaeology. Courses include ANTH 215, 312, 315, 321, 330, 366,410, 430,432,450.
General Cultural Anthropology ... .......................... .. .... ... ... 3 The nature of people in culture; worldview and perception; culture change; a study of the subsystems of cultures, includ ing social organization, religion, language and related topics. Introduction to Archaeo logy ........ .. .. .. ................................ 3 An examination of the methodology and theories of the archaeological approach to the study of humankind from the earliest times to the present and how to interpret such data in respect to political, economic and social organization as well as analyze cultural adaptation and change. Physical Anthropology .... .. .................................................... 4 A survey of the physical nature of humans from an anthro pological perspective. The course will explore ideas and con cepts in scientific method, genetics, human variation, primate behavior, fossil humans and archaeology. The laboratory (3 hours) will consist of a hands-on study of specimens and an examination of the relationship between human biology and the infiuence of culture. Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery.................... .......... .. ........... 3 A treatment of conceptions of the supernatural, the function of religion in society, religion and social control, the nature of religious ritual and paraphernalia, sacred places and religious practitioners. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology: Language, Culture & Society...................... .. .. .. ................... 3 This course is a wholistic approach to language that addresses the interdependence of language, interaction and culture in society. It examines the relationship between cognition and behavior to language in communities worldwide. Topics in clude the structure of language and interaction, symbols and metaphors, language and identity, language and cognition, classification of experience, and language and power. Archaeology Methods and Theories .......................... .. .... 3 Survey of approaches, methods and theory used in current and past archaeological research. The class addresses the use of assumptions, models, strategies and research designs. Prerequisite: 215 or consent of instructor. Field Methods in Archaeology ........................................... 3 Field archaeology examines the principles of archaeological site survey, excavation and laboratory operation. The course is focused on the hands-on study of the methodology of field and laboratory processes commonly used to recover and study the wide range of materials recovered from archaeo logical contexts.
ANTH 215
ANTH 220
ANTH 300
ANTH 310
The anthropology Minor is offered with completion of 18 units of anthropology courses including ANTH 200 and 15 units of upper division courses. ARC HAEO LOGY An archaeology minor is offered with a completion of 18 units of archaeology courses including ANTH 215, 312, 315 and 9 units of upper division courses chosen from 321,330,335,365,366,410,430, 432,450. ANTH 200 and 220 are prerequisites for the minor and may be completed for general education requirements. APPLIED LINGUISTICS The applied linguistics minor is offered upon the completion of 18 upper division units, including 12 core courses and six units of electives. Please see the TESOL and Applied Linguistics section of the catalog for details and course descriptions.
ANTH 312
ANTH 315
Undergraduoce Programs
200S-2007 CATALOG
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