Field Excursion: lsrael. ................................. ........................... 3 Examines the archaeological, historical and geographic backgrounds of the Old Testament and the Gospels. The prog ram visits archaeological sites in Israel, and students are able to experience the historical and geographic context of the Old Testament and the gospels. Anthropology students wi ll examine the archaeological field reports from excavations in Israel as part of their preparation. Prerequisite: BBST I 09 or consent of the instructor. Internship in Archaeology ......... .... ........ .......................... H Students may spend four weeks to a semester in a field learn ing situat ion, during which time a student under supervision engages in the application of archaeological methods in a current archaeological excavation. Prerequisites: 312,315 or consent of the instructor. Directed Research in Anthropology .... .... ..................... 1-3 Individual directed research in anthropology on a specific topic or problem. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and consent of professor. May be repeated with different con tent to a total of 6 units.
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............. .. .. .. .... .. ................... ................ Loren Baker
Chair: .. ...
Professors: .. . .... ... ......... Baker, Krammes Associate Professor: .. ... ..... .. .......... ....................................................... .. Callis Assistant Professors:.... ........ McMillan, Nakamura Mission The Department of Art creates an academic environment that thrives on the interrelationship of Biblical Christianity and artistic practice. It offers students a professional visual arts program with a rigorous curriculum that reflects a strong liberal arts emphasis and a so lid Christian worl dview.
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Objectives The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Biola University is designed:
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,. To equ ip students with a foundational and integrative under standing of art production based on formal and conceptual skills 2. To develop critica l understand ings of art history and aesthet ics that const ruct global perspectives on contemporary culture 3. To integrate faith and learning in such a way that students become servant-leaders who have integrity, creativity, excel lence and vision and who will impact the chu rch and the marketplace
4. To broadly prepare students for a variety of arts related fields, graduate education and church related ministries
5. To foste r a commitment to life-long learning whereby graduates are able to critically assess and produce work that recognizes, understands and responds to socio-political, philosophical and spiritual concerns
The Department ofArt is accredited through the National Association of Schools ofArt and Design (NASAD).
Admissions Requirements The Depar tment of Art has an open admissions policy. Incoming first-yea r students and transfer students from other institutions may declare an art major when they apply for admission to Biola Univer sity. Because of the rigorous schedule and amount of work required in the BFA degree program, transfer students and Torrey Honors Institute students may need an additional semester to complete all of their requirements.
Undergraduate Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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