Photography Emphasis Studio Arts Majors Choose one (1) course from the following: 210,211,213,326,327, 341, 348. Must take 221, 322, 323, 331, 345 and complete 4 upper division art electives (12 units). Sculpture Emphasis Studio Arts Majors Choose one (1) course from the fo llowing: 213, 221,326,314, 327, 331,341,348. Must take 210,211,304 or 327,305,415, and complete 4 upper division art electives (12 units). Transmedia Emphasis Studio Arts Majors Choose two (2) courses from the following: 210,211,213,221,314, 326, 331. Must take 327, 341, 348, 352, 354 and complete 4 upper d ivision art electives (12 units).
All art majors are required to maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA in the program. Any grade below a C- (1.67) in the BFA program must be repeated. Degree Program A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Arts (BJ.A) is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and the studio arts major in one of the following emphases: design, interdisciplinary, painting, photography, sculpture or transmedia .
The BFA major is designed to give art students flexibility in construct ing their program which will include one of six areas of emphases. The Interdisciplinary Emphasis allows students to design their own curriculum with a variety of courses. The Design Emphasis is struc tured to accommodate the expanding fields of design, communica tion/ graphic design and web design. The Transmedia Emphasis includes the non-traditional areas of performance, installation, video and animation. Studio arts majors are exempt from the general education requirements in fine arts and foreign language. The general education requirement for studio art majors is reduced in history (only three ofsix units are required - HIST 107), and students need to take only six units in mathematics and/ or science. The following general education courses have been designed for all studio art majors and are required for the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree: Philosophy 216 (Introduction to Philosophy and Aesthetics); Biblical Stud ies 465 (Integration Seminar I Art and the Bible).
It is recommended that all Studio Arts majors own a Macintosh laptop. Contact the Department ofArt office for recommended specifications.
Minor An Art Minor is offered with the completion of lower division courses 107, 110, one lower division elective and 4 upper division courses totaling 21 units.
Courses (ARTS) ARTS 100
Art Apprec iation .......... .... .. .. .. ............................. ... .. ... .. .... ...... 3 An introduction to the history of art critici sm and aestheti cs; a visual analysis of works of art; comparative studies on selected paintings and sculptures. Meets GE Fine Arts requirement. Fee: $60. Drawing 1.. . .... ... . . ... . ....... ................... .. ...... .. . . .. . . ... . .. ... .. .. .. .......... 3 An introduction to drawing, perspective, line, shape, value texture and composition. Fee: $60. Figure Studi es 1.... .......................................... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..... 3 An introduction to fundamentals of drawing and sculpting the human figure from gesture to finished work. Emphasis on shape forms, value, and structure as applied to observational and expressive applications. Fee $60 Dig ital Too ls............................................................ .. . .. .. .. .... ... .. 3 An introduction to the terms, tools and techniques of visual computing for artists using the Macintosh platform. This course is designed to train students with basic computer skills and programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and to insure digital literacy. Fee. $140. 2-D Des ig n .......... .. .......................... .. ............... ...... ................ ... 3 A foundation course to establish visual design concepts. This course examines elements and principles of two-dimensional design. Fee: $90.
All BJ.A students are required to take these core courses: 107, 108, 109,110,111,112,116, 126,311,315,433,440,450,and475.
ARTS 10s
Interdisciplinary Emphasis Studio Arts Majors Choose three (3) courses from the following: 210, 211, 213, 221, 314, 326, 331, 341, 348.
Complete seven (7) upper division art electives (21 units).
ARTS 109
Design Emphasis Studio Arts Majors Choose two (2) courses from the following: 210, 211, 213, 221, 326, 331, 341, 348.
Must take 312,314,423, 429, and either 341,348 or 428.
Must complete 4 upper division art electives (12 units) which may be selected from 331, 333, 345, 428,436,442.
ARTS 110
Painting Emphasis Studio Arts Majors Choose two (2) courses from the following 21 0, 211, 221, 314, 326, 327, 331, 341, 348. Must take: 213, 307 or 319, 308,408 or 413 and complete 4 upper division art electives (12 units).
Undergroduare Programs
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