3-D Design ... .............................................................................. 3 A foundation course to establish visual design concepts. This course examines elements and principles of three-dimen sional design. Fee: $90. 4-D Design .................... ............................................................ 3 Introduction to time - the fourth dimension - and time based artworks, including installation, performance art, video art, and animation. Studio exploration with emphasis on his torical and current issues as they apply to individual direction and expression In time. Prerequisites: 110, 111. Fee: $140. History of Western Art I: Prehistoric Through Gothic .3 Survey of Western visual art and architecture from its ancient orIgIns through the Gothic. Works of art and architecture are discussed in terms of style, meaning and social context. Field trips to area museums examine original art from the Classical era to the Gothic. Fee: $60. History of Western Art II: Renaissance throu gh Romanti cism ...... . .. .. .... .. ............ ... 3 Second In a two-part survey ofWestern visual art and architecture, this course covers the great artistic contributions from the Renaissance to the mid-19th century. Works of art and architecture are discussed in terms of style, meaning and social context. Field trips to area museum examine original art from each era. Prerequisite: 116. Fee: $60. Scu lpture 1................................................. ................................ 3 Introduction to the methods, materials, and tools of sculpture and general concepts of sculptural form. Prerequisite: 111. Fee: $90. Ceramics 1...................... .. .... .. ............ .. .. .. ...... .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. .. ...... . 3 An introduction to wheel technique and beginning throwing skills. Formulation of basic glaze applications in the develop ment of fire ceramics will be emphasized. Prerequisite: 210. Fee: $90.
Sculpture lI ...... .............. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ..................................... 3 Emphasizes sculptural aesthetics and appropriate technology. Focus on formulating a conceptual and technical basis for work. Prerequ1s1te: 210. Fee: $90.
ARTS 111
Elementary Art Wo rkshop .. .. .... .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ......... 3 Developing and preparing art projects suitable for elementary school pupils. Only for liberal studies majors. Fee: $90.
ARTS 306
Drawing 11 .. .... .. .......... .. .............. . ....... .......... . ..... ... . ............. 3 Exploration of the overlapping relationships of traditional and experimental methods of drawing: to include processes, tools, and surfaces. Concentration on issues of formal. narrative, and symbolic development with emphasis placed on finished works of art. Prerequisites: 107, 108. Fee: $60. Painting 11 ................................................................................. 3 Continuation of the exploration of painting as a visual language with emphasis placed on technical and conceptual development. Exploration of historical and contemporary issues in painting. Concentration on developing imaginative resources of the individual through the use of oils and acrylics. Focus placed on color, shape, image theory and technique. Prerequisite: 213. Fee $60. Modernity: Realism to Surrea li sm .......... ...... ...... .. ...... .... ... 3 The history of painting, sculpture and architecture from 1850 to 1940. Major aesthetic issues that shaped 20th century art and influenced the early 21st century will be examined. Prerequisites: 116, 126. Fee: $90. Letters & Symbols ................ ................................................ .. 3 Typography, icon study, and application. This course explores how type advances the meaning and visual strength of a mes sage, idea, or communicative device. The class also includes the consideration of the meaning of symbols and non-ty pographic forms as they apply to visual communication Discussions will include consideration of art history and its influence within communication design practice. Prerequisite· 112, Fee: $140. Integrated Design 1............ .. ...... ............................................ 3 Students develop methods of visual communication that draw on the cumulative experience of 2-D. 3-D, and 4-D coursework. Through the use of digital/ analog tools and readings related to the history of design, exploration of creative ideas and processes are related to communication design with an emphasis on developing individual styles and concepts. Prerequisite: 112. Fee: $140. Contemporary Art Trends .. .. ...... .. .............. .. .................. .. .. 3 A study of art p1oduced since World War II, focusing on current movements within the international art community. Prerequisite: 311. Fee: $140.
ARTS 307
ARTS 116
ARTS 126
ARTS3 11
ARTS 312
Pai nting 1 ................................. .. .. ............ .. ...... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 Basic color theory and painting techniques. Traditional to con temporary styles will be explored. Prerequisite: 108. Fee: $60.
ARTS 213
ARTS 314
Photography 1.. ...... .. ........ ............... .. ........................................ 3 An introduction to the fundamentals of black and white photography covering both creative and technical aspects. Students highly recommended to own a 35mm camera. Prerequisite: I 08. Fee: $90.
ARTS 221
Ce ram ics 11 .... .. ...... .......... ........ ..
ARTS 304
... .... .. .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. 3
Continued individual development in all areas of ceramics. Introducing vessel construction from hand-built techniques, low fire glaze applications and introductions in firing the kilns. Prerequisite: 211. Fee: $90.
Undergraduate Programs
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