Topics in Adva nced Bio logy ............ ..... ..... .... .. ..... ......... .. 3-4 One section offered each year upon sufficient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section t it le).
Au Sable Inst itute of Env ironmenta l St ud ies ................ 4 Au Sable is a Christian institute focusing on filed studies from a stewardship perspective. Biola is a participating member of the inst itute. Courses are taught at field stations in Michigan, Washington, Florida, India and Africa. Coursework taken through the institute can be counted as elective credit in the Biological Sciences, or may be substituted for specific major requirements. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of 16 units. Prerequisite: upper division standing and consent. Genera l Eco logy ................................................................ .... ... 4 An introduction to the general concepts of the ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems, including physi olog ical ecology, speciation and evolutionary theory. Labora tory includes computer simulations, fieldwork and a research project. Prerequisite: 112, 112 Lor 222. Lab fee: $60. Parasito logy...... .. ... ..... ............. .. ........... ... .. .... .... ... .... .. ......... ...... 4 Taxonomy, life history, physiology, ecology, and morphology of animal parasites with emphasis on those affecting man. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 112, 112 L. Alternate years. Lab fee: $60. Biochem ist ry 1.... .. ... .. ... .... .. ..... .. ... ........ .. ....... .......... .... ............. 3 Structures and properties of biomolecu lar components of cells: including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, vitamins and coenzymes, kinetics and mecha nism and regulation of enzymes action in biological systems. Prerequisite: Biology 312; Chemistry 302. Alternate years. Biochem istry 11.......................................... .......... .... .. ... ........ .. ... 3 Mathematical treatment of bioenergetics emphasizing maJor concepts and problem solving; principles of metabolic processes. Prerequisite: Biology 312; Chemistry 302. Alternate years.
lmmu no logy ...... ............ ......... ... ... ... .. .. .. ............... .. ........ .. .... ... . 3 A study of the structures and functions of the immune system, humoral and cell mediated immunity and analysis of medi cally significant disorders of the immune system. Prerequisites: Biology 282 or 321. Ornit h o logy .. ..... .. .. .. .. ........ .. ....... ............................................... 3 Systematics, distribution, physiology, behavior and ecology of birds. Field identification emphasized. Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory/ field trip. Prerequisite: Biology I 00, 110 or 112 and 112 L. Lab fee: $60 D i rected Research ... .... ... .. ....... .... .. .. ... .. ...... .... .. ................... 1-4 Literature and laboratory or field research of a specific subject or technique in biology; advanced students gain experience in experimental design, laboratory investigation and technica l writing. Requires a written report. Prerequisite: junior or senior biological science major standing or consent one semester in advance. Lab fee: $60. Practi cum .. .. .... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ... .... ....... ... ...... .. .. .... ..... .. ..... ....... ... ..... 1 • Pre-Medical Practi cum • Pre-Dental Pract icum • Pre-Medical Technology • Pre-Veteri nary Practicum Practicum. Professionally supervised observation, demonstra tion and study in a local medical, dental or laboratory faci lity.. Introduction to health care philosophies, hospital and patient routines, personnel, instrumentation and specific treatment practices. Case study and research paper required .Thirty hours of observation. Prerequisite: junior stand ing and consent. Insurance fee: $20. Semi nar i n Advanced Biology .......................... ............. ... .. 1 Literature research followed by oral presentation, group discussion and evaluation; independent thought and study stressed. May be repeated for maximum of two units of credit. Prerequisite: junior or senior biological science major standing. Internship..................... .... ... ... .. ... ..... .... ....... .. ............. .... ........ ...., Professionally supervised participation in a research project at a laboratory facility or an industry. Documenta t ion of the t ime spent and the activities performed as well as a written pape r explaining the project are required. A minimum of thirty hours of involvement. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 units. Prerequisite: junior standing and consent
BIos 450
BIOS 402
BIOS 460
BIos 411
BIOS 412
BIos 422 A Laboratory in Biochem istry ............ ...................... ..... ... ..... .. 1 BIos 422 B Laboratory in Biochem istry ................................................. 1 A laboratory course to accompany 411,412 (Chemist ry 411, 412). The isolation, characterization and analysis of biomol ecules including the use of biochemical instrumentation and methodology for work in protein structure, enzymology, metabolism and genetics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302. Lab fee: $ 75 each semester
Deve lopmenta l Bio logy ........... ......... ........ ......... ..... ... ..... ... .. 4 Analyzes the molecular, genetic and cellular mechanisms which control development of body form and specialized cell types from a single fertilized egg, and which maintain stable differentiated states in the adu lt. Laboratory emphasizes ga metogenesis, vertebrate embryology, histology and directed experimental manipulation of embryos. Prerequisite: 312. Alternate years. Lab fee: $60.
BIos 43 1
Undergraduate Programs
2005 2007 CATALOG
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