Minor A Minor in Business Administration is offered with the completion of 18 u n it s (20 1, 211, 212, 230, 328, 370) plus six units (190 and 220) of speci fi ed quantitative prerequisite cou rses. Business 190 also counts towa rd the general education requirement for science/ math, but t hese units cannot be coun ted toward both genera l education and a business m ino r.
Managem ent Informati o n Syst em s...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ....... .. . 3 Information systems, their design, implementation and contribution to management planning, decision making and control. Applications involving microcomputers and decision support systems. Fee: $20. Ca lculus fo r Management Sc iences .... .. ...... .. .... ... .. .. .. ...... 3 Fundamental principles of differential and integral ca lculus. Applications chosen mainly from the management sciences. Prerequisite: Passing proficiency exam administered by Math Departmellt or receiving a "C" or better grade in Math 90 the prior year. Persona l and Famil y Finances ........ .. .. .. ............................... 3 Managing family finances; budgeting use of credit; borrowing money; saving methods; purchase of life, health, property and auto insurance; buying and renting property; taxes; buying securities; wills and estates. Introduct ion to Market ing .... ...................... .. ....................... 3 Introduction to the basic elements of modern marketing including the study of the marketing environment framework, target market, market segmentation, marketi~g ethics, and the marketing mix variables of product, promotion, price, public relations, and place/ distribution. Prerequisite: 190 or consent. Pract ica l Bu siness Managem ent.. .. ... .. .. ...... .. ... .......... ...... .. 3 This is a class for the Christian who has one or more people reporting to them or who can affect organizational outcomes. Practical managerial basics such as decision-making, work structure, innovation, and motivation wil l be discussed along with the scriptural issues that impact them. Informa ti o n Tech no logy Hardwa re & Syst em Software ................... .......................... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .. . 3 Principles and application of computer hardware and software will be presented through lecture of the theoretical underpin nings, installation, configuration, and operational laboratory experience. Prerequisite: 220. System A na lys is and Des ig n .... .... ................ .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... .. . 3 Students with information technology skills will learn to ana lyze and design information systems. Students will practice proJect management during team oriented analysis and design of a departmental level system.. Prerequisite: 105,220. Intermed iate Accou n ti ng 1............ .... .. .. .. .. .................. .. .. .. ... 3 In te rmedi ate Accou nting l/ ................ .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ...... .. 3 Advanced treatment of cash-flow, funds-flow analyses, prepa ration of financial statements, income tax al location, valuation, forecasts, cash reconciliation. Prerequisites: 212, 311 for 312.
eusN 220
eusN 223
Courses (BUSN) eusN 10s
Programming & Dat a Structures for Business ......... ... .. 3 Thi s course presents object oriented and procedural software engineering methodologies in data definition and measure ment, abstract data type, construction and use in developing screen ed ito rs, reports and other IS applications using data structures including indexed files. Bu siness Stat ist ics ...................... .. ............ .. ............................. 3 Collec ti on and presentation of business data, centra l tenden cy and dispersion measures for business analysis, sampling and inference for confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, business forecasting with simple and multiple regression, index numbers. Pr i nc ipl es o f Mac roecon omi cs ........................................... 3 Macroeconomics: supply and demand analysis, fiscal and monetary policy, money and banking, international trade and the balance of payments. Writings in Microeconomics .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ..... 3 Integrat ion of basic microeconomic theory with research and composition on issues related to market efficiency. The course includes an analysis of the fi rm in the various market struc tures as well as studies in the resource markets and regulatory activities. A paper will be a part of course requirement and will double as pass/ fail on writing competency requirement. May not be transferred without consent. Prerequisites: English 110 A and 110 B. Economic Princ ipl es ............ .. .. ................ .... .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 Micro and macro economic theory with an emphasis on the application of this theory to current economic issues, including the study of those who developed the theory and their predecessors. Issues involving t rade and finance among nations and their compa rative economic systems will also be examined. (For non-business majors only).
eusN 229
eusN 190
eusN 230
eusN 201
eusN 235
eu sN 202
eu5N 305
eusN 306
Principl es o f Account ing 1.. ...... .... .. .. .. .. ................ .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . 3
eusN 211
Principles of Accounting 11 .................... .. .... .. ............ .. .. .. .. .. . 3 Basic for all business majors and those seeking to learn the language of business; procedure for setting up a double entry bookkeeping system. Second semester: corporate accounting and elemen tary cost accounti ng methods. Prerequisite: 211 prerequisite for 212. One hour each week, non-credit, labora tory. Fee: $10.
eusN 212
eusN 311
eusN 312
Undergraduate Programs
200S-2007 CATALOG
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