
General Chemistry 1. ..... . ......... .. ..... .. ........ .. ...... . ..... . .......... .. .... 4 General Chemistry 11. ..... ... ..... ........ .. .. ... .............. ....... ............. 4 Principles and theories of the structure and properties of matter. Chemistry 105 includes stoichiometry, atomic theory, the periodic table, chemical bonding, molecular structu re, nomenclature, chemical reactions, states of matter, gas laws and solutions. Prerequisites for 105: high school chemistry or Chemistry 092, two years of high school algebra and a passing grade on the Chemistry Placement Exam. Chemist ry 106 includes chemical kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamics, solubility, acidity, electrochemistry, coordination complexes and various special topics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 1OS. Lab fee: $60 each semester. Chemistry Topics ........ .. .. ....... ....... ...... ... ..... .. ........ ........ ...... . 1-4 Various topics in introductory chemistry. Prerequisite: depart­ ment approval. Principles of Organ ic and Biochemistry.. .... ...... .. ...... ... ... 5 Chemical bonding, structure. properties and reactivity ap­ plied to organic and biochemical compounds. Includes basic metabolic processes and nuclear chemistry with application to medicine and health. Meets the Nu rsing requirement in chemistry. Four hours lecture and three hours lab. Prerequisi te: passing grade on Chemistry Placement Exam, Chemistry 91 or 105 with at least C +. Lab fee: $40. Organic Chemistry .. ... ... .................... .. .. .. ... .............. .. .. ........... 3 Organic Chemistry ....................................................... .......... . 3 Structure, properties and reactivity of carbon-contain ing compounds with emphasis on reaction mechanisms. Applica­ tions to biological systems are integrated through out the course. Concurrent or prior enrollment in Chemistry 311, 312 required Prerequisite: 106. Laboratory in Organic Chemistry ........ ........... .............. ..... , Laboratory in Organic Chemistry ........ ....... ....................... , The laboratory portion of Chemistry 301, 302 which must be taken concurrently. Techniques for the synthesis, characteriza­ tion, identification and isolation, of organic compounds. (3 hour laboratory) Lab fee: $75. Ana lytical Chemistry .. ......................................... ...... ............. s A survey of classical chemical methods of analysis such as titrimetric and gravimetric along with various instrumental methods including electrochemical, spectroscopic and chromatographic Three hours lecture, six hours labora tory. Prerequisite: 301 Lab fee: $80. Biochemistry 1.. . .................. .. . . .. . ............................................... 3 Biochemistry 11 ......... .. .. .................................... .......... ... ... .. ... .... 3 Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, bio­ synthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302.

Special Topi cs in Chemist ry ................................................. 3 Shor t subjects in such areas as the chemical literature, various instrumental methods, polymers, organometallics and indus­ trial chemistry. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

CHEM 105

CHEM 420

CHEM 106

CHEM422A Laboratory in Biochemistry .... ....... ........ ........ .... ........ ....... ... , CHEM 422 e Laboratory in Biochemistry ................................................. 1

A laboratory course to accompany Biology 411, 412 (Chem­ istry 411, 412). The isolation, characterization and analysis of biomolecu les including the use of biochemical instrumen ta­ tion and methodology for work in protein structure, enzymol­ ogy, metabolism and genetics. Prerequisite: Chemist ry 302 . Lab fee: $60. Special Project in Chemistry ........................................... 1-3 Research or industrial internship. Requires a written report. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

CHEM 110

CHEM 4so

CHEM 112

CHEM 301

CHEM 302

CHEM 311

CHEM 312

CHEM 350

CHEM 411



Undergraduate Programs


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