
parachurch agencies, a youth camp director, a Ch ristian education director in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associ­ ate pastor with responsi b il it ies for youth. Adult & Family Vocational opportunities with this specialization include director/ pastor of adult and family ministries or associate pastor with respon­ sibili t ies in these areas. ln tercultural Vocational opportunities with this option include service on a foreign miss ion field or service in one of the many subcultures in the United States. Diversified This option is for those who wish to design a specialization unique to thei r interests, such as church-related camping, counseling, com­ munication, business, music, computer science, etc. Pre-Seminary Preparation For those who desire to pursue graduate work, the undergradu- ate major has been designed to prepare the student for continued academic and professional development through enrollment in a theological seminary. The student graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Ch ristian Education may be able to take advantage of accelerated Master of Arts or Master of Divinity programs offered at Talbot School ofTheology. Several specializations are offered with the M.A. degree. Specific information and qualifications for these degree programs may be secured through an academic advisor in the C.E. department o r from the Talbot admissions office. Minor A Christian Education Ministries Minor requires the completion of 1B units including the following courses: 252,261 and one of the age level courses (372,373,374) Nine additional upper division units are also required which may be selected by the student from any C.E. de­ partmental offerings. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. SERVICE LEARNING COURSES Certai n courses in the major will be designated and ma rked in the cou rse schedule as "Se rv ice Learning Courses;' which meet the university's service learning requirement. These courses w i ll include the three practicum classes 380,461 and 462.

Foundations of Leadership ...... ..... ..... ...... ....... .... .. .. ........... .. 3 Basics of biblical principles and leadership theory and devel­ opment of personal leadership qualities. Offered fall semester.

CEED 251

Foundations ofTeaching Ministry....... .............................. 3 Major emphasis upon learning theories and their application to teaching the Bible within the context of the local chu rch and parachurch agencies. Offered spring semester. Foundat io ns of Interpersona l Re lat io nshi ps ................. 3 Focuses on development of relationsh ips and communication skills between individuals and within small groups. Includes confiict resolution in ministry. Offered Fall/ Spring. Foundations of Deve lopment ................................. ........... 3 Introduction to human development. Aspects of develop­ ment will include the physical, intellectual, social, personal, moral and spiritual, covering the whole lifespan as a base for a more holistic Christian education min ist ry. Offered fall semester. Media in Ministry ... .. ............. ...... ..... .... ..... .. .. .... .. .. .................. 2 Skill development in the design and use of audio-visual technology for use in ministry to all age levelsand in a wide variety of teaching settings. By arrangement. Inductive Bible Study.. .... .. ............. .... .. .. ..... .... ....................... 3 Essentials of inductive study applied to biblical narrative and epistolary literature. Prerequ isite: BBST 1 OJ Offered Fall/ Spring. Evangelism & Fo l low-up ....................................................... 3 An overview of the biblical principles of evangelism and follow-up The class will seek to develop the skills of personal evangelism and explore biblical teachings rega rd ing teachi ng and nurturing as they apply to local church and parachurch agencies. Prerequ isite: 251. Offered fall semester. Christian Ed ucation of Children .. ...... .. ... ........... .. .... ..... .. .. .. 3 Discovery and evaluation of methods and materials appropri­ ate for achieving learning objectives which meet the physica l, mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs of chi ldren (birth through grade six). Students may choose 373 or 374. Prerequi­ sites: 150, 261. Offered spring semester. Christia n Ed ucation of Youth ........................... ....... ..... ...... . 3 Examination of the adolescent in our culture with emphasis upon designing a ministry to this age level with in the context of the local church and parachurch agencies. Each student will prepare a model ministry to this age level (junior high through college) for use in enlistment and training of workers and parents. Students may choose 372 or 374. Prerequisites: 150, 261 Offered fall semester.


CEED 260

cern 261



CEED 311

CEED 372

Courses (CEED) CEED 150

Foundati ons of Ministry ............ ..... ..... .... .............................. 3 An overview of the discipline of Christian Education Ministries. Topics of study include the historical and theological nature of the church, principles of evangelism and edification, spiritual gifts, training and equipping lay leadership, and an examina­ tion of contemporary ca reer opportunities and para-church ministries. Offered Fall/ Spring.


Undergraduate Programs



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