munication Studies concentrations; and (4) if, in the judgment of the committee, these goals can be met better through another major or concentration the proposal will be rejected. Obtaining a degree with this concentration requires a minimum of 42 units, 24 of which must be from the Department of Communi cation Studies. Two specific courses, 458 and 478, are required . A minimum of 27 units must be upper division. The interdisciplinary proposal must be submitted and approved no later than the first semester of the junior year. No exceptions will be made. Major: Communication Disorders The major in communication disorders is a pre-professional degree that provides the student with a foundation in normal communica tion and an understanding of the complexities of communication disorders. It is the aim of the department to set this knowledge within the framework of a Christian perspective and a focus on the individual ra ther than t he disorder. Students completing this major should be fully prepared for the graduate work necessary for certi fication or credentials in the fields of Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology or Deaf Studies. Emphases are offered in Communication Disorders and Deaf Stud ies. Students who are interested in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology shou ld declare the Communicative Disorders emphasis. Students who desire to go on to be interpreters for the Deaf or to work with the Deaf in some other capacity should declare an empha sis in Deaf Studies.
institutions. In addition, the Communication Stud ies degree provides excellent general preparation for careers in fields such as the minis try, human resources, sales, education or law. Obtaining a degree with this concentration requires 39 units, 30 of which must be upper division. Twenty-one units are required: 254, 270,383,385,386,458,478. Eighteen units of electives must come from the following courses: 170,181,263,280, 282/382, 363,387,440, 450, 461, 463, 465, 468, 470,472,473,474, 480; MCOM 104, 111, 389, 392,433,470. SPEECH/ DRAMA The Speech/ Drama emphasis focuses upon the development of theatrical skills with practical uses for dramatic expression, oral com munication and writing. Graduates may pursue careers in teaching, community theatre management, graduate work in theatre arts or seminary training. The interdisciplinary nature of the offerings pro vides performance skills that can find outlets vocationally in theatre, sales, church ministries, education, and human resources. Obtaining a degree in this emphasis requires 42 units, 30 of which must be upper division, 24 are required: 109, 263, 363, 367, 385,409, 440,468,478. An additional 18 units must be taken from the fol lowing courses: 170,181,254,270,280,282,382,383,386,387,391, 435, 440, 450,458,461,463, 465, 470,473,474,480, MCOM 104, 351, 433,470, MUSC 390,394. You may not count more than six units of COMM 440 Internship toward the major; students may only count a maximum of nine units which combine COMM 109; 409; 440; 450; 480 toward the major. It is recommended that all Speech/ Drama emphasis students take the following general education courses: COMM 160 (for"Fine Arts" requirement); PHIL 216 Aesthetics (for "Philosophy" requirement). INTERDISCIPLINARY This concentration will provide students maximum latitude in creating a course of study to suit their particular needs. Students choosing this option, begin by consulting with an advisor from the Communication Studies Department. An advisor will help students choose appropriate courses, which may include courses from other departments. Students will then complete a form (available from the Communication Studies Department) in which they describe career goals and give a rationale for each of the courses se lected . The form will be submitted to a committee made up the Communi cation Studies Department chairman, and a second faculty member. The committee may accept the proposal as submitted, make minor modifications before accepting it, or reject it. If accepted, the pro posal becomes part of the student's graduation requirements. In ma~ing its decision the committee will consider the following (1) the proposed courses should prepare students well for stated career objectives; (2) the proposal should focus study to a limited area which can be covered in depth; (3) the academic rigor of the proposal should be at least equal to that expected of other Com-
Overall, obtaining a degree in this major requires 53 units.
For the Communicative Disorders emphasis, students must take: 210, 318,324,325,326,327,328,418,422,424,425,429,439,441,442, 444, 466, INAL 302 and completion of 25 hours of observation. For the Deaf emphasis, students must take: 210,318,322,324,325, 326,327,422,424,425,439,441,442,444,466,472, INCS 310, INAL 302 and completion of 25 hours of observation. Minor A Communication Studies Minor is offered with completion of a minimum of 21 un its, 12 of which must be upper division. Must in clude 383 and 478. Contact the Communication Studies Department regarding specific courses.
Courses (COMM) COMM 100 Introduction to Publi c Communication . ... ..... ... .. .. ... ... ... 3
Development of communication skills in public speaking. The course will include attention to multicultural communication encounters, audience analysis, speech, research, organization and critical thinking.
Undergroduare Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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