
COMM 109 Production Practicum .............. ... ... .. ... ... .... .. ... .. ........ .... .. .. .. .. ., Beg1nn1ng directed practical experience in dramatic produc­ tion. Credit for performing in a play, set cons truction, costume

Oral lnterpretation .......... .. .. .. .......... .. ...................................... 3 Learning to read types of literature aloud in a manner that enhances and enriches the audience's understanding and appreciation of that literature. Intercollegiate Forensics ....................................................... 2 Intercol legiate Forensics .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. ............. 2 Practical speech experience in debate and individual speaking events. Each section may be repeated once for a total of eight units. Prerequisite for 382: COMM 282 or signature required. Neurology & Neurologica l Conditions ............................ 3 An in depth analysis of the nervous system as it pertains to communication and communication disorders. In addition, various neurological disorders will be surveyed that can affect communication including, but not limited to, ALS, Parkinson's disease, stroke, brain tumor, etc. The Deaf & Deaf Cu lture ...... .................. .. .............. .. ............ 2 Explores primary issues related to the deaf and deaf culture. Topics covered include causes of deafness, methods of com­ pensating for hearing loss, gestural languages used in deaf culture and characteris tics of the deaf culture. Fee: $40. Anatomy & Physiology of Speech ........................ .. ... ...... . 3 Anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms.The normal processes of 1espiration, phonation, articulation, resonance and hearing are covered. Speech & Hearing Science ................ .. .. .. ............ .......... ...... 3 Introduction to acoustics of sound and the physiology and acoustics of speech production and perceptions. Topics include voice, resonance, and mdividual speech segments as well as instrumentation for analyzing the acoustic and percep tual characteristics of speech and hearing. Speech & Language Development.. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... . 3 Normal development of speech and language in children in terms of syntax, semantics, phonology and pragmatics. Motor and cognitive development surveyed. Chi ldhood & Adolescent Language Disorders ............. 3 Study of delayed language development and childhood language disorders. Includes theories concerning etiology, classification, evaluation and therapy. Prerequ1s1te· 210,326. Fluency Di sorders ...................... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ................... 3 Review of the theories concerning etiology of fluency disorders. Survey assessment and treatment approaches for stuttering and cluttering. Prerequisite: 210.

COMM 280

construction, publicity, or other aspects of the theat rical process. Must be repeated twice for a total of two units.

COMM 282

Leadersh i p Practicum 1..................................................... , -3 Provides students with the opportunity to learn, exercise and refine skills which wil l faci litate personal growth and increase their ability to solve problems as a member of the Leadership Community. Student should be enabled to reach higher levels of self-understanding and deeper insights into dynamics which enhance and hinder interpersonal relationsh ips. Cannot be counted toward the major.

COMM 140

COMM 382

COMM 318

coMM 160 Theatre Appreciation .......... .. ...... .. ................ ...... .. ........ .. .... .. . 3 Appreciation of drama th rough an understanding of its his­ torical development. forms, styles, and production techniques. Lab Fee: $60.

COMM 322

Small Group Communication ........................ ..................... 3 This course focuses on the individual's communication in a group setting: leadership in groups; group communication norms and processes with emphasis on problem solving and confiict management techniques.

coMM 110

COMM 324

Introduction to Argumentation and Debate .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 3 Effective oral communication: invention, analysis, evidence, methods of attack and defense and arrangement of ideas.

COMM 181

COMM 32s

Introduction to Human Disabil ities ................................ .. 3 Survey of various types of human disabilities with an empha­ sis on communication disorders.Th is class explores the roles of Speech-Language Pathologists, Audiologists, Physical thera­ pists and Occupational therapists in working with people with disabilities. Open to all majors. Required of Communication Disorders majors.


COMM 326

COMM 2s4 Communication Theory .................................... .... .... ............ 3 Descriptions and applications of communication theo ri es such as symbolic interaction, relational theories, na rrative paradigm and selected group operational theories.

COMM 321

Beginning Act ing .. .. ........................................ ...... .... .. ...... .... .. 3 This foundational acting class emphasizes the use of the performer's body. Attention to various practical movement and vocalization theories will provide the student a great command of the performer's primary tool for acting.

COMM 263

COMM 328

coMM210 Interpersonal Communication .. .... .... .................. .............. 3 This course focuses on developing communication skills in the dyadic setting including emphasis on essential precondi­ tions, confiict management, interpersonal relationships, non­ verbal behavior and creative supportive climates.

Undergraduate Programs



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