Proposed FY2023-24 & Planning FY2024-25 Budget

Provide regular videos with message from the Mayor on issues of high community interest

GOAL #1 Develop regular video messages to provide ongoing operational updates to the community.

Department Work Plan

1. Coordinate with the Mayor each month to brainstorm operational topics to present to the community include topics from Council Members | City Manager's Office | START FY 2024 Q2 | COMPLETE FY 2024 Q2 2. Create a video schedule that includes regularly recording of operational topics to help provide education and awareness in the DeSoto community | City Manager's Office | START FY 2024 Q2 | COMPLETE FY 2024 Q2 3. Record regular video messages to the community and broadcast on the City’s social media and video sites | City Manager's Office | START FY 2024 Q3 | COMPLETE FY 2024 Q4


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