Proposed FY2023-24 & Planning FY2024-25 Budget

City of DeSoto Procedure for Distributing Tourism Incentive Program Funds

Purpose of the Tourism Incentive Program

Managed by the City of DeSoto, the Tourism Incentive Program is designed to provide DeSoto hoteliers with funding that can be used for marketing and incentives offered to secure room reservations and host meetings and events that ultimately increase tourism and generate a positive economic impact for DeSoto. All hotels located within the city limits of DeSoto, that are current on their Hotel Occupancy Tax payments, are eligible to request funds from this allocation. This allocation is used to reimburse hotels for room rebates and special marketing initiatives and a portion of the cost of Lone Star Logo marketing signs on Interstate 35.

Maximum Annual Reimbursement Allocation Per Hotel

Maximum annual reimbursement allocations are subject to change each year. Hotels are invited to participate in the program using the following procedures: 1. Each year, as part of the annual City budget, the DeSoto City Council allocates an amount of Tourism funding, intended for hotel incentive reimbursements. 2. The City of DeSoto Finance Department will review the tax payment status of each hotel and provide the information to the Youth & Business Coordinator. 3. DeSoto’s Youth & Business Coordinator notifies each DeSoto hotel of its maximum annual reimbursement allocation and its eligibility to participate in the fiscal year’s program and invites them to make application for reimbursement. 4. A hotel representative must attend the quarterly Executive Tourism Meeting to continue receiving reimbursement funds. 5. Any unused reimbursement funds are relinquished to the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Balance at the end of the fiscal year. Per-Room- Night Rebates: DeSoto hotels, that are current with their Hotel Occupancy Tax payments, can request reimbursement of per-room-night rebates or discounts that they offer for city partnered programs, family reunions, business travelers, or other organizations as an incentive for groups to reserve blocks of rooms in their hotel. The amount eligible for reimbursement is the difference between the regular per-room-per-night rate and any special or discounted rate that is offered to a group.


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