Proposed FY2023-24 & Planning FY2024-25 Budget

Changes in budgeted Positions Fiscal Year 2023 to Fiscal Year 2024 GENERAL FUND – 101

General Administration Department • The General Administration Department is comprised of the following divisions: City Secretary, Records Management, City Manager, Community Initiatives, Environmental Health, and Action Center. • Overall change in budgeted positions between FY2023 and FY2024: none Financial Services Department • The Financial Services Department is comprised of the following divisions: Administration, Accounting and Purchasing. • Overall change in budgeted positions between FY2023 and FY2024: none Development Services Department • The Development Services Department is comprised of the following divisions: Administration and Engineering, Building Inspection, Planning and Zoning, Street Maintenance, Equipment Services, and Building Services. • Overall change in budgeted positions between FY2023 and FY2024: none Parks and Recreation Department • The Parks and Recreation Department is comprised of the following divisions: Parks and Landscape Maintenance, Senior Center, Recreation and Civic Center, Seasonal Programming, and Aquatics. • Overall change in budgeted positions between FY2023 and FY2024: none Police Department • The Police Department is comprised of the following divisions: Administration and Operations, Animal Control, Code Enforcement and School Resource Officers. • Overall change in budgeted positions between FY2023 and FY2024: none

Fire Department • The Fire Department is comprised of the following division: Administration/Operations. • Overall change in budgeted positions between FY2023 and FY2024: none


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