Proposed FY2023-24 & Planning FY2024-25 Budget

Budget Adjustment (Amendment) – A formal legal procedure utilized by the City to revise a budget during a fiscal year. Budget Calendar – The schedule of dates used as a guide to complete the various steps of the budget preparation and adoption processes. Budget Message – The opening section of the budget document from the City Manager which provides the City Council and the public with a general summary of the most important aspects of the budget. Sometimes referred to as a “transmittal letter.” Budgetary Control – The control of management of the organization in accordance with an approved budget for the purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of available appropriations and revenues. Budget Stabilization Fund (Fund 108) - A fund set up to collect a large amount of money during good economic conditions so that it can be used in the future to offset uncertainty in revenues and expenditures. Capital Improvements-City (Fund 476) – To account for the financing and expenditures of associated capital improvements city wide buildings. Capital Improvement Program - This is the City's plan to finance major infrastructure development and improvement. It is primarily funded through General Obligation bonds, Certificates of obligation and Revenue bonds. Capital Outlay – An expenditure which results in the acquisition of or addition to fixed assets, and meets these criteria: having an anticipated useful life of more than one year; can be permanently identified as an individual unit of property; belonging to one of the following categories – land, building, machinery and equipment, vehicles, or furniture and fixtures; constitutes a tangible, permanent addition to the value of City assets; does not constitute repair or maintenance; and is not readily susceptible to loss. In the budget, capital outlay is budgeted as expenditures in all fund types. Capital Project Funds – A fund used to account for the financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities or equipment, usually financed by the issuance of debt. Certificates Of Obligation – Tax supported bonds that are similar to general obligation bonds and can be issued after meeting strict publication requirements and with final approval of the City Council. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) (Fund 263) – Accounts for costs related to grant program that will be used to offset the Code Enforcement expenditures, alleyway reconstruction in low-to-moderate income areas, and the Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign. Current Taxes – Taxes levied and due within one year.


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