General Capital Improvements (Fund 486) – To account for the financing and expenditures of associated capital improvements. General Fund (Fund 101) – The fund used to account for financial resources except those funds required to be accounted for in another fund. The general fund is tax supported and includes the operations of most City services, i.e., police, fire, streets, parks and recreation, and administration. The basis of accounting employed is “modified accrual”. General Obligation Debt – Money owed on interest and principal to holders of the City’s general obligation bonds. The debt is supported by revenues provided from real property, which is assessed through the taxation power of the City. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - Uniform minimum standards and guidelines for financial accounting and reporting. They govern the form and content of the financial statements of an entity. GAAP encompass the conventions, rules, and procedures necessary to define accepted accounting practice at a particular time. They include not only broad guidelines of general application, but also detailed practices and procedures. GAAP provide a standard by which to measure financial presentations. Goal – A broad, general statement of each department’s or division’s desired social or organizational outcomes. Governmental Funds – Funds generally used to account for tax-supported activities. There are five different types of governmental funds: the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital project funds, and permanent funds. Grant Fund - Revenues and expenditures directly attributable to various police and library grants. The basis of accounting employed is “modified accrual”. Health Facilities Development Corporation (Fund 240) – This entity was formed to issue obligations to finance all or part of the cost of one or more health facilities and other expenditures pursuant to the Health Facilities Development Act. The basis of accounting employed is “modified accrual”. Heliport Project Fund (Fund 702) - Accounts for the establishment and construction of a heliport. The basis of accounting employed is “modified accrual”. Housing Finance Corporation (Fund 241) – This was formed to issue obligations to finance all or part of the cost of one or more residential developments or home mortgages pursuant to the Texas Housing Finance Corporations Act. The basis of accounting employed is “modified accrual”. Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund (Fund 221) - Accounts for revenues and expenditures relating to the use of hotel occupancy tax receipts. Because of the restricted types of
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