Manager’s Guide on suicide and distress in the Workplace

Where to find more information and training

Community Support Service

🍂 � � Mental health support: get help - Government of Canada 🍂 � � Crisis Services - Talk Suicide Canada 🍂 � � Suicide Prevention in the Workplace guide - Mental Health Commission of Canada 🍂 � � Canadian Association For Suicide Prevention (external) 🍂 � � Resources for employees - Workplace Strategies for Mental Health

Training (participation in training courses may involve costs)

🍂 � � Mental Health Learning Series - Canada School of Public Service 🍂 � � Mental Health Learning - College@ESDC 🍂 � � Mental health First Aid (external) 🍂 � � The Working Mind (external) 🍂 � � Approaches for people leaders - Workplace Strategies for Mental Health (external)

Remember to speak with your manager about your interest in taking part in activities or events planned during working hours.

Manager’s Guide and Tools on suicide and distress in the Workplace

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