Manager’s Guide on suicide and distress in the Workplace

Understand Your Role

As a manager 1 , you have day-to-day contact with those around you. You get to know your colleagues over time, can observe changes in their behavior, and may interact with them at critical times in their life. You may notice if someone at work is struggling, and you may be able to take the first steps to assist them in getting help. Also, in your day-to-day interactions and work relationships, you can help foster a sense of community, belonging, and respect in your workplace.

Manager’s Responsibilities Section 124 of the Canada Labour Code, Part II, states “Every employer shall ensure that the health and safety at work of every person employed by the employer is protected.” Therefore, as a manager, you are responsible for ensuring the physical and psychological health and safety of your employees while at work. Managers and employees play a key role in building and supporting a diverse, safe, respectful, healthy, and inclusive workplace. Remember : As managers, you are not expected to be trained experts in the field of mental health; however, you are not alone. You can consult with senior managers, Labour Relations, Workplace Mental Health, Occupational Health and Safety, the Centre of Expertise for Optimizing Employee Potential, and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for help in supporting yourself and your employees. As an additional point, if the employee’s state is related to a work-related event, it could be a psychological injury/incident, and additional steps must be taken. This includes investigating the incident and reporting it to your Occupational Health and Safety Regional Advisor through the Human Resources Service Centre using the General Enquiry form. You may also contact the Harassment and Violence Centre of Expertise if the struggling employee is allegedly victim of harassment.

1 T he term Manager used in this document includes people-leaders such as Executives, Team Leaders and Supervisors

Manager’s Guide and Tools on suicide and distress in the Workplace

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