Manager’s Guide on suicide and distress in the Workplace

As a managers, you can: 🍂 � � Learn to recognize the signs of someone being at risk. 🍂 � � Be prepared to have an open conversation if someone around you is at risk or if you suspect them of being at risk. 🍂 � � Help connect the person you are concerned about with the most appropriate resources. 🍂 � � If you notice that an employee may need help, as a manager, you must take reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of your employee is protected at work by providing immediate assistance if needed or by reminding them of the available resources. 🍂 � � Talk about suicide. This is one of the best ways to prevent it. 🍂 � � Provide ongoing support after a loss or a crisis while being aware of your own limits.

Manager’s Guide and Tools on suicide and distress in the Workplace

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