Revel Year In Review 2022-2023


The Philos Project



From: Long Island, New York “Having the privilege of learning from the living legends Rabbi Schacter, Rabbi Cohen, Dr. Koller, and Dr. Angel for Hebrew, and Dr. Mermelstein is something that I do not take lightly. All of these men are insanely accomplished and yet some of the most humble people I have ever met. Dr. Mermelstein’s class on Paul, a 1st

From: Brazil, living in Northen Mozambique “It’s been another old dream of mine to deeper study the Hebrew Bible. Studying at Revel has been above and beyond anything I expected. The excellent professors, the range of courses offered, and the exchange between the students in the class have been incredibly enriching. The opportunity to learn Biblical Hebrew is

Century Jew immediately stands out to me as exceeding all that I hoped this program to be. I had previously learned about the Old Testament from a Jewish perspective but never in my life did I think I would get to interact with the texts of the New Testament from a Jewish perspective. ... Dr. Mermelstein did an amazing job of facilitating these conversations and not only educating Christians on what Jews believe but also educating the Jewish students on what we as Christians believe. I just admired that so much. ... I am beyond proud to be a Revel student and I am so excited to continue learning during Spring semester’s classes.”

definitely one of the highlights for me. The courses on Jewish Bible Interpretation, and Paul: Profile of a First Century Jew have been a true learning curve, feels like it has given me a new pair of lenses through which see the Word of God. Another particularly impactful course due to our present days was History and Nature of Antisemitism. Studying here has been both culturally and spiritually impactful. I’m just so grateful I get to be a student here. My hope and prayer is to translate and pass on all this new knowledge and experience that I’m accessing through this Master’s Program to my community both here and in Brazil. I’m very thankful to the Philos Project, Yeshiva University, and all the staff and professors who are daily making it happen.” READ MORE

Faculty Publications

NAOMI GRUNHAUS Kapah, Y. (Ed.). (2022). Perush Rabi Yosef Hayun ‘al sefer Yirmeyahu , Herzog. Editorial board: Naomi Grunhaus, Martin Lockshin, and Yosef Ofer.

JOSEPH L. ANGEL (2022). The songs of the sage: (4Q510, 4Q511) (Vol. 2 of Dead Sea Scrolls editions). Brill. READ MORE


(2023). Marty Glickman: The Life of an American Jewish Sports Legend . NYU Press.

Professor Jeffrey Gurock

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