Univar Solutions 2023 CASE Q2 Newsletter

Highlight & Insights USA Market

Housing Market

Construction Market

Durable Goods


166.2k units monthly*

$282Bn Durable Goods orders to Manufacturers

HMI (SALES): 50%*

Commercial Construction is at a peak plateau right, both on spending and costs. The market shows signs of balance, within an inflated environment. $129MM - Commercial Construction Spending* 193 - Construction PPI**

Home Starts: 1.6MM**

HMI is at the exact midpoint of the range, representing a rebound from the 2 year low of 31 seen in Dec ‘22 and the high of 84 in Dec ‘21. Home starts are 5.7% above the year prior and these numbers reflect a 22% INCREASE to the previous estimates for the month.

The Domestic Auto Production index, measured in thousands of units produced monthly. Since 1994, this index has steadily trended downward from an early peak of 589 in March 1995. Removing impact from COVID, we are currently near the low which was seen January 2009 at 108.

Impacting manufacturers of appliances, adhesives for packaging and so much more: This reflects another peak for industry spending over the past 30 years. Impacted both by real spending, but also normal and abnormal inflation seen recently.

* May 2023 NAHB report: https://www. nahb.org/news-and-economics/hous- ing-economics/indices/housing-mar- ket-index

*FRED Economic Data: https://fred.stlouis- fed.org/series/TLCOMCONS

*FRED Economic Data: https://fred. stlouisfed.org/series/DAUPSA

*https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ DGORDER

**https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ PCU236211236211

**https://www.census.gov/construction/ nrc/current/index.html


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