1009_WorkPlace Recycling Booklet

Environmental legislation also states that all businesses are responsible for the waste they produce. By law, every business must; » Use the most environmentally preferable option of waste management, as per the waste hierarchy below.

Most preferable option and least impact on the environment

Minimising the amount of waste produced


Cleaning, repairing, refurbishing

Preparing for Reuse

Make new products from old materials


Least preferable option and most impact on the environment

Obtaining energy from waste

Othe Recovery

Burial of waste in landfill


» Know the type and quantity of waste produced. » Classify waste using the European waste catalogue.

» Arrange for a registered waste carrier to collect the waste and completed associated waste transfer notes (it is illegal to use an unregistered carrier without a licence). » Dispose of electrical waste via a compliant scheme, not in regular bins.

Hints and Tips

Conduct a waste audit to find out why you create waste and to highlight potential areas for efficiency improvements. You can find a waste audit template here as a starting point: www.businessofrecycling.wrap.org.uk/resources

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