The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.3

i ne inspiration of the Bible est statesmen, as well as our greatest missionaries, evangelists and theologians. There may be seen as able and august a gathering of representatives of Christianity in other places and on other occasions, but few that can surpass it. For sobri­ ety of thought, for depth as well as breadth of learning, for wealth of spiritual experience, for honesty of utterance,’ and virility of conviction, the General Assembly of the Presbyte­ rian Church m America must command attention and respect throughout the world. And this is what it said on the subject we are now considering at its gathering in the city of Wash- lngton, the capital of the nation, at the date named: P i HE BIBLE AS WE NOW HAVE IT, IN ITS VARI­ OUS TRANSLATIONS AND REVISIONS, WHEN FREED FROM ALL ERRORS AND MISTAKES OF TRANSLATORS, COPYISTS AND PRINTERS f lS I THE VERY WORD OF GOD, AND CONSEQUENTLY WHOLLY WITHOUT ERROR.” j

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