The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.3


The Fundamentals attributes. You may be recalling, perhaps, that one cry of His from the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou for­ saken me ?”—a quotation from one of the Psalms and a shout of victory. I think that could be demonstrated to be a shout of victory and not a cry of isolation; but that alone would be your exception.. All the other times it was, “Father,” “my Father,” “holy Father,” “righteous Father”—sometimes, we may believe, in the quiet intimacy of His secret conscious­ ness, “my dear Father.” What a reality this conception of prayer gives to it. We are not praying to any cold theistic God alone; we are praying to our Father made real to us, warm with the warmth of a great tenderness for us, living with a great consciousness of all our human suffering and struggle and conflict and need. I t makes prayer, for one thing, a rational thing. I can go to my Father and ask Him for the things that I need. There is an exquisite passage in Andrew Bonar’s journals in which he speaks of sitting one day in his study and looking out of his window and seeing two of his children pass through the fields. He said as he saw those little children making their way across the fields, the love in his heart overcame him, and he pushed his books away from him on the table, and went to the door and called out across the field to them, and they came running eagerly in response to their father’s loving call. And when they had come, and he had caressed them, he said he gave each one of them something simply because the ecstasy of his fatherly love made it impossible that he should not do something then for those two children who were so dear to his heart. Do you suppose that God is an inferior sort of a father ? Do you suppose that there are impulses in us toward our children, or in our fathers toward us, that are not simply just the dim and the faded suggestion of nobler and diviner impulses of the father heart of God ? Prayer in the sense of supplication for real things becomes a rational reality to men who believe in God in Jesus Christ.

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