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Zombies invade Russell’s streets


and the children danced,” explained Larissa Quimper, president of the Optimist Club of Russell. “It was like a flash mob in every of Russell’s streets.” Although theymight have appeared scary, the zombies weren’t scavenging the streets for brains. Their goal was to raise funds for the Valoris Foundation. It appears the army of volunteer undead were successful, as more than $130 in cash was raised and

cans of food were collected. Donations will be distributed to families in need of Embrun and Russell later this week. “We are pleased with the event,” said Quimper. “There were many people who had fun.” With the success of this year’s edition of the Zombie March, next year’s event is already being planned by the Optimist Club of Russell.

More than 70 zombies took part in the second annual March of the Zombies on October 31, in Russell. The zombies took to the streets as early as 1 p.m., and were seen dancing to the hit song from Ghostbusters. “A choreographer from Orleans came


All claims against the Estate of Colombe Dazé , late of the Village of Limoges in the Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 4 th day of May, 2015, must be „led with the undersigned Estate Trustee, on or before the 29 th day of November, 2015; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claim then „led. Dated at Embrun this 30 th day of October, 2015. Jacques Dazé and Sylvain Dazé,

Estate Trustees, by their Solicitors Campbell & Sabourin LLP / s.r.l. Attention: Adam Williamson 1-165 Bay Street Embrun, Ontario K0A 1W1 613-443-5683

More than 70 zombies took part in the annual ZombieMarch onOctober 31. Yet the army of undead weren’t looking for brains, but rather donations for the Valoris Foundation.

Plus de 5500 $ pour le cancer du sein

Quelque 325 personnes ont pris part au bingo monstre des Amies pour la vie qui se tenait le 27 octobre dernier, au Centre communautaire d’Embrun. « Les amies pour la vie et moi-même désirons remercier tous les participants et les pompiers qui ont donné de leur temps tout au long de la soirée », a tenu à dire Marie-Claire Ivanski. La soirée a permis d’amasser plus de 5500 $ qui seront versés à la Fondation du cancer du sein d’Ottawa. On voit ci-dessus, à l’avant-plan, les joueuses Linda Duhamel, Suzanne Perras-Campbell et Sonia Carlow. –Annie Lafortune 49 Racine, P.O. Box 787 Casselman, Ontario K0A 1M0 • 613 764-3308

Une diversité qui nous unit - , DU 1 er AU 7 NOVEMBRE 2015

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