S hopping C enters N ew J ersey S potlight S outhern NJ
Real Estate Journal — Southern New Jersey — April 13 - 26, 2018 — 9B
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CEO touts New Jersey’s intrinsic value for entrepreneurs Commercialization Center for Innovative Technologies expands footprint in theGardenState
endurance, hand-eye coordi- nation, and task sequencing. They also target cognitive abilities such as attention, short term visual and audi- tory memory, working memory, reading comprehension, and dual tasking. BrightBrainer Rehabilita- tion System is useful in a multitude of settings, including outpatient clinics, skilled nurs- ing facilities and medical adult day programs, and is available for lease or purchase. A scien- tific team of researchers, engi- neers, physicians, therapists, and game developers created the games, which adapt to indi- vidual patients. In addition to improving motor and cognitive skills, BrightBrainerTMgames have been found to benefit a pa- tient’s emotional state, leading
development needs. New Jersey Economic De- velopment Authority provides low interest loans plus value- added tax exempt bond and gap financing. US Economic Development Authority administers its Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Program, which supplies small businesses and entre- preneurs with the gap financ- ing needed to start or expand their business. Cumberland Empowerment Zone can assist developers in direct loan funding, technical assistance and tax incentives. USDA Rural Development forges partnerships with rural communities, funding projects that bring housing, community facilities, utilities and other services. They also provide technical assistance and financial backing for rural businesses and coopera- tives to create quality jobs in rural areas. NJ Community Capital is a community development financial institution that pro- vides financing and technical assistance in under served communities. Brownfield Clean up Fund- ing assists developers in- vesting in a re-purposed or to an increased quality of life. “We know that the brain can rewire itself to bypass non-working neurons, so our technology helps patients build that bypass to regain use of their bodies,” BCI founder and president Grigore (Greg) Bur- dea, PhD, said. “It also puts a new and interactive spin on the monotony of occupational therapy, bringing an age-old industry into the 21st century.” Burdea cited CCIT’s collab- orative environment, its easy access to networking and inves- tors, and its opportunities for increased visibility as reasons why he moved to the incubator. Businesses located at CCIT have access to a variety of pro- fessional and support services including open office hours by professional firms from the
Federal Public Infrastruc- ture Funding helps extend public infrastructure to a development site or provide public improvements for a project with qualifying job creation. The Grow NJ Program provides corporate business grants and tax credits for job creation and retention featuring: • Up to $300 million in avail- able financing • Up to $90,000 in financing and tax credits for each new hire • Location tax credits up to $1,500 • Employment tax credits for creating 10+ jobs State Urban Enterprise Zones Locating a business here can significantly reduce develop- ment costs with eligibility for Urban Enterprise Zone benefits including: • Employment Tax Credits • Exemption from State Sales Tax on construction materi- als, equipment and supplies • Low Fixed Interest Financ- ing • Bridgeton Urban Enter- prise Zone • Vineland and Millville Ur- ban Enterprise Zone. n life sciences community. The 46,000 s/f incubator also offers tenants access to affordable lab space and offices, conference rooms, support staff, and a variety of additional resources. University spinoffs like BCI also can take advantage of dis- counted rent for the first year. “Understanding and re- sponding to the needs of the market is imperative to the State’s ability to retain and attract innovative companies and top talent,” EDA CEO TimSullivan said. “Nurturing early-stage companies is just one facet of Governor Murphy’s vision of a more robust and equitable economy, and CCIT offers a model of what can be achieved through collaboration between the private, public, and academic sectors.” n
or th Brun s - wick, NJ — Stroke victims, dementia suf-
ferers, and patients who have sustained traumatic brain injuries can now incorporate virtual reality games into their rehabilitation therapy, thanks to technology developed by Bright Cloud International (BCI) Corp. The Rutgers University spi- noff moved its operations into the New Jersey Economic Development Authority’s (EDA’s) Commercialization Center for Innovative Tech- nologies (CCIT) earlier this March, expanding its footprint in the Garden State. CCIT, located in North Brunswick, is New Jersey’s leading life sci- ences incubator. BCI’s proprietary Bright- In serving the county’s economic development needs, the CCIA and its partner agencies also help businesses identify and secure the finan- cial support services required for their growth needs. We work with existing or new businesses and organizations in the county to help you eas- ily navigate matters such as incentive packages, program guidelines, site location, plan- ning, permitting, and more. The CCIA works alongside of business decision makers to identify all the federal, state and local programs for which you qualify and which offer you ways to minimize your capital expenditures. Incentive programs includ- ing the Grow NJ Assistance Program, area Urban Enter- prise Zones, a Foreign Trade Zone at the Millville Airport, and others help the CCIA to attract new businesses and assist existing expansions. In the past three years the CCIA has financed capital projects totaling $109 mil- lion, utilizing bond financing, tax credits, redevelopment laws, and state incentive pro- grams. In addition, the CCIA partners directly with local economic development offices,
BrightBrainer TM Rehabilitation System Brainer TM Rehabilitation Sys- tem is a self-contained and mobile rehabilitation medical device with a suite of custom virtual reality therapeutic games. The games target vari- ous motor skills, including mo- tor control, speed of movement,
The Cumberland County Improvement Authority – Your Business Advocate redevelopment site.
Cumberland County EDC
community development fi- nancial institutions, state authorities and independent nonprofit organizations to layer the financing needed to get projects completed. These projects had an economic impact of $403 million, rep- resenting nearly $4 dollars of investment for every $1 dollar invested by CCIA. Financial Assistance No other county in the re- gion can match the array of outstanding financing and other incentive programs of- fered here. In addition, we’ve assembled a team to help you successfully navigate
through matters like site planning, permitting, pro- gram guidelines and more. As a multi-faceted agency, theCCIA provides the financ- ing, technical assistance, pre- development, development and management expertise for all aspects of business planning, construction, and operations. The CCIA also provides full support to busi- nesses for locating, remain- ing and expanding in Cum- berland County including facilitating the connections necessary to secure funding for job training, infrastruc- ture, equipment and other
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