
4A — April 13 - 26, 2018 — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal DiGiorgio Associates Inc.; DAI, Inc.; &Monitor Builders Inc. specialize in the healthcaremarket The LiRo Group acquires three N.E. architecture engineering & construction management firms


yosset, NY — The LiRo Group (LiRo) , a national, multidis-

c i p l i n a r y project and construction m a n a g e - ment, engi- neering, ar- ch i t e c ture , and technol- ogy firm, has just acquired

The LiRo Group served as construction man- ager for the new $375 million, state-of-the-art Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sci- ences at the University at Buffalo, which opened in December 2017. Photo by Douglas Levere

DAI’s and MBI’s portfolio of recently com- pleted projects includes the $40 million, 100,000-square foot Lakes Region General Hospital Patient Tower in Laconia, NH. Photo courtesy of DiGiorgio Associates Inc.

LiRo is currently providing construction man- agement services for the Stony Brook University Medical and Research Translation Building and Hospital Pavilion in Stony Brook, NY. Photo by Christopher Swann/The LiRo Group

Luis Tormenta

three affiliated New England- area companies: DiGiorgio Associates Inc.; DAI, Inc. (collectivelyDAI); andMon- itor Builders Inc. (MBI) . The

acquired companies, which specialize in the design (DAI) and construction management (MBI) of healthcare-focused

facilities, are headquartered in Boston, MA and share a satel- lite office in Portland, MN. ENR Engineering News-

Record magazine currently ranks LiRo as the 15th-largest constructionmanagement firm in the United States. LiRo’s

2017 revenues exceeded $400 million. Since their founding, DAI and MBI have cumula- tively designed or constructed projects valued in excess $2 billion. “DAI and MBI are a welcome addition to the LiRo fam- ily,” said LiRo owner Rocco Trotta , PE. “At LiRo, our em- ployees are our most important asset, and the new DAI and MBI staff will enhance our capabilities and strengthen our resources nationwide,” he continued. DAI andMBI have been serv- ing medical clients throughout New England for more than three decades. The three firms have either designed or built projects in Massachusetts, Maine, NewHampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Luis Tormenta, PE , LiRo’s president and CEO, said, “LiRo’s acquisition of DAI and MBI marks our strong entry into the New England market and augments our healthcare and life sciences expertise nationwide. It is an important step in the on-going strategic expansion of our firm that aims at providing complete construction, engineering, architecture, and technology services to both public and commercial clients through- out the U.S. and beyond. DAI and MBI bring to LiRo valu- able client relationships and expand our company’s multi- disciplinary staff to over 900 professionals.” The DAI and MBI deal fol- lows LiRo’s recent acquisition of the assets of Bowne Man- agement Systems, Inc. (BMS) and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, LLC (Bowne), both based in Mineola, New York. The BMS and Bowne asset acquisition enabled LiRo to expand the complement of integrated con- struction services it provides in the geographical information systems (GIS), location ser- vices, land surveying, and in- formation technology areas. n

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