C A R C A C A Event Program - Perth Festival 2025

Over the last decade I’ve been researching what is the place of dance nowadays. Why do we dance? And because my background is related to street dance and clubbing, what is the importance of community and dance as a social movement? C A R C A Ç A is a dance piece with 10 dancers and two musicians on stage where I tried to consider the place of dance nowadays, but also this construction of collective identity – how do we build culture? How do we accept the symbols that are identities of a certain region or nation? What is the meaning of traditions? Or heritage? And what do I do with all this? An Interview with Marco da Silva Ferreira

To answer this, I created this provocative place where clubbing dances and some street dance that I am very connected to (mostly Afro-American) were put in conversation with Portuguese folklore concepts. I felt the need to put my geographic identity in confrontation with this visual identity, these street dances and club dances that most of the time come via the internet. I think the basis of the work started from the questions: why do I know so little about the culture and the identity from the place that I live but I know so much from the outside? Where am I and where are those of my generation – what is our identity? What are we keeping as our culture and what are we passing to the next generations as collective identity?



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