Urban Mobility Trends - August 2024

Figure 14: WAYS TO SAVE: BIGGER DECISIONS – MONTREAL Ways to save: bigger decisions – Montreal

2024 2023

63% 58%

Switching energy providers/phone/internet plans

62% 59%

Delaying large purchases (e.g. upgrading your car)

58% 52%

Cancelling subscriptions or memberships

57% 54%

Automating your savings (e.g. splitting pay into savings and spending accounts)

49% 47%

Switching/cancelling insurance policies (e.g. health)

46% 47%

Cancelling travel plans/travelling locally instead

45% 46%

Additional work hours or finding additional part-time work

Reducing borrowing behaviour (e.g. payday loans, ‘buy now, pay later’) or cancelling some/all credit cards

41% 38%

29% 29%

Refinancing home loan (to reduce interest) or selling investment properties

23% 21%

Delaying further study/qualifications

18% 16%

Selling vehicle(s)

16% 16%

Moving back home with parents/family

14% 12%

Selling investment properties

Q. Thinking about how you are managing your finances more generally, which (if any) of the following things are you currently doing to save money (if applicable to you)?



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