Urban Mobility Trends - August 2024

Avoiding peak hour

In Australia, around 30% of respondents also said they had no choice but to travel in peak hour due to obligations such as school drop off.

Those in Australia who have the ability to adjust their work hours are mostly doing so to beat the peak, with 84% either regularly or occasionally travelling outside rush hour. However, 33% of people in Australia said that while their workplaces allowed flexible start/finish times, it was not encouraged (Figure 23), while in North America only 24% felt the same way.

In North America, 61% of respondents are more likely to be able to adjust their working hours to avoid peak travel times compared to 52% of Australian respondents (Figure 21). For those who are able to change their work start and finish times, most did so regularly – Greater Washington Area (59%); Montreal (57%) and Australia (53%) (Figure 22).

Figure 21: ABILITY TO ADJUST WORK START AND END TIMES TO AVOID PEAK/RUSH HOUR TRAVEL Ability to adjust work start and end times to avoid peak/rush hour travel Yes No








Greater Washington Area


Q. If your job or shift requires you to commute during peak/rush hour travel times, are you able to adjust your work start and end times?

WestConnex, Sydney



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