Urban Mobility Trends - August 2024

Section 2: Getting to work


77% of respondents in North America use private vehicles to commute

61% of people in Australia use private vehicles to get to work

15% of respondents expect the number of days they travel to their workplace to increase over the next 12 months

3.9 average days people travel to their workplace

This section looks at how often people travel to their workplace and their mode of transport.

Where people are working from

Around 40% of Australian respondents cited increased productivity and collaboration with their colleagues as a reason to travel to the workplace more in the next 12 months. In the Greater Washington Area, 33% of respondents said concern about job security was a factor in their attending the workplace, compared to 23% in Australia and Montreal.

In the Australian cities surveyed, 68% expect their commuting routines to remain similar in the coming year with 22% expecting to travel more, while 7% expect to travel less (Figure 6). We found similar expectations among those surveyed in the Greater Washington Area and Montreal. Being required to by their employer is the main reason people expect to increase the number of days they travel to workplaces, which is consistent with last year’s findings (Figure 7).

Most people travel to their workplace an average of almost four days a week – a figure that has stablised over the past year (Figure 4). In Australia, people are travelling to work an average of 3.9 days, while in the Greater Washington Area that figure increases to an average of 4.2 days. In Montreal, the average is slightly lower at 3.4 days. The number of days that people are travelling for study is slightly down in Australia from three days last year to 2.8 on average this year. In Greater Washington Area and Montreal, the three days on average that people are travelling is consistent with last year. While many people cannot work from home, even those in office- based occupations expect to travel to work on average between 3.6 to 3.9 days a week, depending on the occupation (Figure 5).



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