King's Business - 1964-09

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B R A I L L E BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, TRACTS Evangelistic— Devotional

FREE to the Blind (as the Lord provides) "That those who see not may see" Write: Christian Fellowship for the Blind International, Inc. Mail Address: 1864 W. 92 St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90047 FREE all-new 1965 SCRIPTURE PRESS fCATALOG

J O H N N Y , can’t you see that Moth­ er is talking? Please stop inter­ rupting.” In your role as a mother you have said it a thousand times. Johnny, no doubt a little frustrated, turns away wondering why Mother always, or nearly always, says he is interrupting. If Mother has no time to listen, perhaps Daddy does. He knows Daddy is busy and has prob­ lems, but Daddy’s problems aren’t any bigger than his . . . or so he thinks. Running into the front room, Johnny starts, “Daddy, did you know that my new skates . . .” Without looking up, Daddy cut short his lit­ tle son with, “ Don’t bother me, child. Can’t you see Daddy is reading?” Almost in tears, the little guy re­ treats to his room. There shaggy old Spot is curled up at the foot of Johnny’s bed. The old dog is a kind of permanent fixture in the house. The Buells brought him home as a puppy when their little boy was three years old. Looking at the sleeping dog, he wonders whether he dares interrupt his pal’s sleep. He has to take the chance with Spot. No one else in the family will listen. Throwing himself on the floor, he whispers in the shaggy ear, “ Inter­ rupt, interrupt, it is always ‘Don’t interrupt’ or ‘Don’t bother me’ or ‘Can’t you see that I am busy?’ No one seems to have time to listen to me.” The old dog shakes his ear loose and goes on sleeping. Even Spot has no heart to listen. Johnny, we are sorry no one has time to listen to you. You don’t know it, of course, but there are mil­ lions of people just like you . . . not

only little people but big people. They have burdens too heavy to bear. They have to share them with some­ one . . . they need help. They long to tell someone but no one will listen. They are too busy. They can’t be bothered. In their mad race for something, they know not what, peo­ ple have no time to be interrupted. Johnny, again I say, we are sorry that too often we don’t take time to listen to you. But I have good news . . . real good news . . . for you . . . and for anyone who has a big heavy load to carry. There is One who always has time to listen. The fact is He likes to be interrupted. Jesus puts His invitation to inter­ rupt Him in this way: “ Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). You see, Johnny, you can bring every problem to Him. He will not only listen. He will un­ derstand and take your problem and burden upon Himself. If that is difficult to understand, in another invitation He says: “ Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things . . .” (Jeremiah 33:3). He is a very wonderful Saviour and you can come to Him any time, day or night, and He will never sug­ gest that He is too busy or “Don’t in­ terrupt.” He is asking for it—He is waiting to be interrupted. Try it and see for yourself how graciously He will listen to you and Row loving­ ly He will answer you. It’s a wonderful thrill to have God listen to you. I know from experi­ ence.

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