cults critique by Betty Bruechert
into your concern for the lost Get a FREE sample packet by writing to GOODNEWSPUBLISHERS, Westchester, III. T R A I N I N G w i t h P U R P O d i v e r s i f i e d a c c e l e r a t e d a c c r e d i t e d NURS ING Ï I N the M ay -J une issue of the publication of the Utah Christian Tract Society of La Mesa, Califor nia, the following appeared which relates the reaction of missionaries- to - the - Mormons, former Mormons Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buvarson; to the book “War Chief Joseph,” by Helen Addison Howard:
The author of the book states that during the uprising of the Indians against the white settlers, it was discovered that the Indians had been receiving aid from an unexpected source. The Mormons of Utah were abetting the uprising. One of the volunteer officers discovered mus kets and balls with Mormon brands on them. Later, a member of the Bannock tribe who was captured, stated that he had been sent by the Mormons “ to arouse the Indians against the whites . . . He said they wanted the Indians to kill all the whites in their land and that they (the Mormons) would furnish arms and ammunition.” According to the author, corroboration of this state ment is found in the Report to the Secretary of War of 1858-59. The author continues: “ The Mor mons, according to this source, promised to furnish arms, ammuni tion and civilian troops to the Nez Perces and Columbia River tribes, if the Indians would join them in a war of extermination against the territorial citizens. The negotia tions were carried out secretly, the settlers little realized how complete ly their fate hinged on the action of the Nez Perces.” It was most for tunate for them that the majority o f the Indian chiefs decided upon a peaceful policy. (Pp. 56-59.) If you would care to read more concerning the blood-curdling deeds of Brigham Young, then obtain this month’s issue of True West maga zine (June 1964) which contains the article entitled “Use Him Up, Bill,” written by John Carson. It is heartbreaking to realize that thousands of sincere people today are following and trusting in the teachings of wicked and unregener ate men like Brigham Young and the originators of Mormonism. Our hearts yearn to introduce them to the One who can be completely trusted, even our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
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