King's Business - 1964-09

Outstanding aid for church leaders in four areas:


. . . a 44-page monthly magazine that contains useful information and expert guidance in administrative areas such as church programing, organization and staffing, church financing, administrative skills, church facilities, communication, pastoral ministries, community needs, and the work of deacons. $2.75 a year (12 issues). ^ C h - i t r c h . I v l • • • • • • * • • • ...................................................................................................................... M A G A Z I N E . . . a 52-page quarterly that furnishes adequate help for setting up and maintaining a church library and that shows how the library ministry can help correlate each area of church life into a more effective total program. Included are technical helps, promotion ideas, space-saving suggestions, and information on suitable equipment and room arrangement $2.00 a year (4 issues). church musician . . . a 68-page monthly magazine that provides ideas; plans; rehearsal procedures for all age groups; biog­ raphy; hymnological studies; a 24-page, removable section of hymns and anthems for youth and adult choirs; and many additional materials which music leaders can put to immediate use. $5.00 a year (12 issues). mi j u n i o r m u s the

. . . a 52-page quarterly magazine for nine- through twelve-year-olds that features true stories about music, simple exercises in music theory, articles on hymn study and appreciation, biographies of musicians, and fiction with a music theme. These materials are closely related to the monthly music units for this age group in The Church Musician. The 16-page music section can be removed easily for filing and reuse. $1.50 a year (4 issues).


. . . a 52-page quarterly magazine that presents fresh, unique, practical suggestions for all religious recre­ ational uses and for all ages. It gives aid for planning recreation buildings and facilities . . . tells how to choose equipment and how to take care of it . . . reviews the newest and best resource materials in the church recreation and related fields . . . offers readily usable ideas, plans, diagrams, and illustrations for parties, fellowships, and banquets. $2.00 a year (4 issues). These jive magazines provide the best in leadership help in these special areas. Subscribe for them TODAY! (Write for information on bulk rates.) Please enclose payment for individual orders. Use the handy cou­ pon to place your order. (To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 39) The Sunday School Board a Southern Baptist Convention LITERATURE INFORMATION A 127 Ninth Avenue, North • Nashville, Tennessee 37203 Southern Baptist Convention The Sunday School Board • LITERATURE INFORMATION 127 Ninth Avenue, North • Nashville, Tennessee 37203 -------- Please send: One Year [~1 Church Administration @ $2.75 $----------- Q] The Church Library Magazine @ $2.00 | | The Church Musician @ $5.00 ------- ] The Junior Musician @ $1.50 ------- □ Church Recreation @ $2.00 ------- TOTAL $____ 9-64 KB Two Years $------------

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Published monthly by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558 So. Hope St.,

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