King's Business - 1964-09


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■ 1~V l j i f l r'lU B M E W t im i *

. . . Sunday school lessons, pictures, maps, filmstrips, flannelgraphs and take- home papers. Your Christian Bookseller specializes in supplying the needs of Christian educators! His wide experience in using these materials is available to help you plan interesting and challenging programs. He can also help you conduct workshops to help you train teachers in the use of Christian literature . . . spark new en­ thusiasm in your Sunday school! The Christian Bookseller in your area has a wide range of reference books, Bibles, Testaments and commentaries, devotionals and Prayer Guides. Make the store with the CBA seal your headquarters! Sx “Symbol of Service ” CHRISTIAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 5611 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago,, III. 60651

effect a combination encyclopedia of the Bible and of religion. Heavy emphasis is placed on theological doctrines. Some examples of the treatment can be gleaned from the following statistics on the amount of material and the contributors on some subjects: Angels, 11 columns, John W. Sanderson, Jr.; Antinomi- anism, 18 columns, John Murray; Baptists, 47 columns, N. Burnett Magruder and Edward H. Overby; and Bible, 18 columns, Johannes G. Vos. The doctrine of inspiration is rightly based on what the Bible has to say about itself, which estab­ lishes verbal and plenary inspira­ tion. I n e r r a n c y is, of course, claimed only for the original auto­ graphs. The makeup is good, the type large and readable, and the headings are in bold type. Long articles are headed with a contents outline, and bibliographies follow important ar­ ticles. There are no pictorial illus­ trations. It is planned that the last of the ten volumes shall be a biblio­ graphic volume, in which the most significant books on all main topics can be listed. The mastermind be­ hind this project is Jay Green, edi­ tor for the recently-published Chil­ dren’s King James Bible and its companions, the Teen - age King James and the Modern King James. Learned journals are drawn upon for material by the contributors and there is a list of abbreviations at the front for between two and three hundreds of these. — 662 pages; c l o t h ; National Foundation for Christian Education, Box 2211, Wil­ mington, Del.; $15.00 per vol. (1 vol­ ume per year is planned.) Her Best for the Master Selected Poems of Martha Snell Nicholson Compiled by F. P. Wiens Assisted by Thelma Bain Kramar A discriminating collection of some of the best devotional verse from the pen of the beloved Chris­ tian poet, poignant, practical and true to the Scriptures, this volume will be helpful for private devotions and appropriate for a gift book. In­ cluded are some well-known and oft- quoted poems such as Today, My Ad-

Beside All Waters By J. H. Hunter

The Christian and Missionary Al­ liance is chronicled in this fascinat­ ing story of 75 years o f ministry around the earth. In 1887 the Alli­ ance began its work, although A. B. Simpson had experienced the burden of missions in 1881. Few organiza­ tions have tackled missionary work on a more primitive level, or been more severely attacked by Satan. The book is divided into sections covering Africa, Asia, South Ameri­ ca, the islands of the sea, the Middle East, and the home ministry. Take the Ivory Coast, for instance. There the Alliance now has 154 organized churches, all self-supporting, a bap­ tized membership of 6,000, and 150 u n o r g a n i z e d churches, Sunday schools, Bible schools, etc. As in every place, there is strong emphasis on the indigenous church, a native hymnody, and similar reports come from Gabon, the Congo, and Upper Volta (now Mali). In Viet Nam, as the newspapers have told us, three Alliance men were captured and car­ ried off into Communist hide-outs, from whom no word has been heard. The work in Peru, land of the Incas, is especially interesting, where al­ most unlimited opportunities exist. A good work is being done in Chile. Perhaps the most exciting story is that of West Irian (New Guinea). Doubtless this book will go down as one of the significant chronicles of modern missions.—245 pages; cloth; Christian Publications, Harrisburg, Pa.; $3.95. The Encyclopedia of Christianity General Editor: Edwin H. Palmer Volume I of this new encyclopedia covers the articles from “ A” to “ Bible." It has been in preparation for a number of years with a slate of nearly 120 contributors, including a great number of the foremost evangelical scholars of the world. It is characterized by comprehensive­ ness and orthodoxy. Every person mentioned in the Bible, geographi­ cal references, anmials, plants, etc., along with doctrinal and ecclesiasti­ cal matters are included. It is in

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