King's Business - 1964-09

Biola College Appoints New Faculty Members, HR. J ames H. C hristian , dean of __ Biola College, has announced the appointment o f three new mem­ bers fo r the school’s faculty this coming school year. Miss Frances S. Urton, who is a candidate for the Ph.D. degree from the University o f Colorado, will

be Associate Pro­ fessor o f Biological Sciences. She has both a Bachelor of Science and a Mas­ ter o f Science from the University of Colorado. Miss Ur­ ton has served four y e a r s w i t h t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s Army in Europe,

M iss Urton

four years in the field o f research concerning muscle metabolism, and has been teaching fo r a total o f 12 years at Loretto Heights College in Denver, and at the Boulder and Den­ ver Campuses o f the University of Colorado. She has' also had experi­ ence as a physical therapist. She is a Baptist and has made her home in Englewood, Colorado. Mr. Helmuth C. Poggemiller will be coming from Canada to join the Biola College faculty as Assistant

Professor o f Eng­ lish. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kansas, and a Mas­ ter’s from the Kan­ sas State Teacher’s College. He is a m emb e r o f t h e Menonnite Breth­ ren denomination.

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Mr. Theodore Kenneth Comden, Greenbelt, Maryland, will also be joining the Biola College staff this

Studio twin bedrooms and Connecting Suites. Free Continental Break­ fast.Quiet off-highway location.

S e p t em b e r . His service will be as Assistant Profes­ s o r o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n . Biola will i n s t i t u t e a new major in this i m p o r t a n t field starting in Sep­ tember. Mr. Com­ den r e c e i v e d his Bachelor o f Arts

from Greenville College in Green­ ville, Illinois, and hi? Masters’ de­ gree this June ffOm the University o f Marvland.

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Telephone FAirview 8-3141




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