A Vi ctor ious Night
HO. 9-5883
( f ê a b u i t
Largest in the West 545 N. Western Aye., Los Angeles, Calif.
by Claire Vickers
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T h e b r i g h t lights o f Hollywood twinkled in the night. Women dressed luxuriously, their arms on those o f their escorts, walked past me, looking back apathetically. Over the door o f a cafeteria, a huge clock stared at me. Those five minutes I
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spent on the cor ner had s e eme d like five days. “ What am I do ing here?” I asked myself o v e r and over. “ I don’t be long here.” I had come to school to prepare f o r full time C h r i st i a n service, not to pass
R e a c h C h i l d r e n !
4 peg«* — 3 color* 50 for $1 .00 r o llile 1000 Fer $17.10 poetpoM C H U R C H P R I I S 0 « » 1 6l T HEART 1 TROUBLE 1 —a tract for i h BOYS ANDJ GIRLS^fl Claire Vickers out tracts on a public street corner. In fact, I had made up my mind before I came to Biola, that the dis tribution o f tracts should be left to senior citizens. My partner, one o f the group, was e a g e r l y passing out the “ Good News,” while I Stood across from him, staring into space. “ I’m scared and confused,” I told him. “ You have what you need; now give it to some one else,” was his reply. As I paused to think, I had to agree: “ Yes, now that Jesus had saved me, I owed a debt to the world to tell them o f my wonderful Saviour and Lord.” I knew that the right thing to do was to lift my heart to God and ask Him to help me forget myself. All I had to do was trust Him. So, I bowed my head and asked God to give me victory and He took my hand. Then as I looked into the faces of the oncoming crowd, I could smile. No longer did I see the bright lights or hear the bustle o f city traffic. I saw only people who needed Jesus. The tracts were soon distributed. There were those who politely took the tract, looked at it, and then tossed it into the gutter. Others wa l k e d by hurriedly, with their hands in their pockets. Some just looked at us disturbingly, which re minded me of Romans 8 :31 : “ What shall we then say to these things? If God be fo r us, who can be against us?” It was a victorious night because some accepted our message warmly, and paused for a brief moment to talk about Jesus. Liiile Giant Hoiomatic Gas Water Heater No. 3 W ill supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries. Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in tempera* ture. Write for free folders on water heaters, Fiberglass Bap tistries, spires and crosses. L IT T L E G IA N T MFG. CO. 907 7th Street, Orange, Texas New ETTA Material for Sunday School Teachers Old Testament Survey I, II ------------------$ 7.00 New Testament Survey ------------------------- 3.50 Children and Youth ------------- -— ......-------- 3.50 Teaching Techniques ______ ______________ 3.50 Special Course for VBS ^Workers 12 Lessons 6 Examinations •Unit credit ETTA Course 3.50 Sunday School Teaching Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units Preliminary _____________ ____ 17.00 6 Units Advanced --------- ---------------------- 17.00 Child Evangelism ....--------------------------..... 5.50 Biblical Geography (Including Atlas) .... 11.00 Prophecy God’s Plan of the Ages (Talbot) -— ____ 5.00 The Minor Prophets 5 Units (Feinberg) 16.50 The Prophecies of Daniel (Talbot) ...... 6.50 The Book of Revelation (Talbot) ....___ 6.50 Bible Doctrine Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity *.. 6.50 Bible Foundation Course ........................... 3.00 Practical Bible Doctrine ............... .............. 2.50 Studies in Romans (Talbot) .................. 5.50 Bible Study Christ in the Tabernacle (Talbot) ........ 6.50 The Bible Says ................................................ 1.00 Studies in the Gospels .............................. 6.50 The Book of Acts ......................................... 3.50 The Book of Ephesians (Talbot) ..... 5.50 Through the Bible by Books and Chapters ..................... ...... 5.50 1 Th« Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Celli. 90017 I Send me free brochure of all courses offered -------------------- ------ ----- 1 Name .....------------------- ----------...— — .... — | Address ______________________ .....---------------- City ................— — — ..— ...... Zone ....------ State ________________________________ KB MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY OVER 2,000,000 SUNFLOWER DISH CLOTHS Were sold in 1*963 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable' you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Sample FREE to Official SANGAMON MILLS, INC. Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y. 12047 I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam Martin Luther Write for Catalogue Phone: 691-7785 Bini A CllUC 13100 olou *«■ D l U L A M U T I } LA MIRADA, CALIF. SEPTEMBER, 1964 43
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